So here's a hodgepodge of news and links to things that are new for this ultimate year 2012.
New Certification Dates
First up, and most important, we will be running a Fight Directors Canada certification test at Academie Duello at the end of March.
To qualify for Basic Actor-Combatant Certification, you must complete 60 hours of training, which means that if you miss the Introduction to Stage Combat workshop on 15 January, you won't have time to squeeze in that time in our regular classes.
So, actors and aspiring stunt people should sign up right NOW.
Rules of Engagement Stunts
Academie Duello has a new film stunt team called Rules of Engagement. Naturally, the performers are selected from among the stage combat graduates, and we're working with other Vancouver filmmakers to create original action scenes for the Academie, as well as providing fights and stunts for outside productions. We're still getting started, but you can see our awesome new website at
New Twitter for Combat Philosophy
Let me shoehorn-in a brief mention of my new Twitter feed called @TheSwordIsInYou, where you'll get a daily dose of little truths from philosophy, great thinkers, martial arts and world events.
Bartitsu and Umbrella
Okay, not everything is new... Bartitsu ongoing classes are back this Saturday at our usual time of 3-5pm. If you want to join this program of Victorian martial arts training for the gentleman, our next Introduction to Bartitsu workshop is 28-January.
And many have been eagerly awaiting the return of the Umbrella Self-Defence workshop. It's back on 22-January! Bring your bumbershoot and learn some slick techniques that leave an assailant in a puddle at your feet.