Welcome to the last week of one of the most intricate and fundamentally satisfying months of curriculum at Academie Duello. In Longsword focus we continue to work on the fundamental blows, seeking to make them as precise and powerful as possible. In the Mastery program, Greens (level 1) take the techniques of the first three weeks and bring them together into the strategic base of the True Fight, Blues (level 2) continue to develop the Deceptive Fight, and Reds (level 3) step into the final tempo of opportunity: Dui Tempi.
Longsword Focus
Green Cord (Level 1)
Blue Cord (Level 2)
Building on the work of last week, you will look at the principles of cover and tempo as a means to keep yourself safe as you employ feints to open your opponent and exploit the opportunity created to strike.
Red Cord (Level 3)
Exercise of the Week
In sidesword focus class this past week we explored how you put shoulder and hip power into your cuts. This comes naturally when you're alternating between cuts from the right and left but requires some special footwork if you want to throw more than one blow from the same side. This week's fundamental video gives you an exercise that will help you learn how to do just that.