Student Resources

In this area we have collected information and resources that our students often ask us about.

Student Guides

Welcome Guide

Our welcome guide contains information about Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA), participation at the school, the disciplines we practice (swords, polearms, dagger, unarmed, etc.), and sparring. It also includes our student code of conduct.

Download a PDF of the Welcome Guide (1MB).

Beginner Guide

This is the Beginner Guide for rapier and longsword beginner program students. The guide tells you about each program, including an overview of the martial disciplines of the school, what you’ll be learning in each class, and what the long-term study of swordplay looks like at our academy.


Sparring & Equipment Requirements

Sparring is a central part of how we practice and expand our understanding of the art. Sparring (and class participation) requires observation of safety conventions and appropriate equipment requirements. Please refer to the two guides.



Discord Group

We have a members-only Discord chat server for member chats and official announcements. It serves as our primary means of connecting with our students. Announcements, schedule updates, holiday hours, etc. all appear here.

It’s not mandatory to join the server but it will certainly help you stay connected with the school. We recommend that all ongoing students join.

Duello.TV is our online learning portal. We have videos of nearly all of our classes on the website—it’s an excellent resource if you want to revisit certain topics or find out what you missed in class. It's a member's service with both free and paid content. There are over 1800 individual videos and courses for all levels of experience.

Distance-learners: also features courses, including self-assessments, that mirror our curriculum.

Weekly Class Schedule

Check it out here!


Our glossary contains all of the terms used in our beginner and apprentice-level classes.


We have online images, videos and text for:

School Events & Rank Examinations

Mastery Classes

These ongoing classes are available to members who have completed the appropriate Beginner course for the specific discipline.

Rapier Classes

Longsword Classes

Archery & Fitness Classes

Maelstrom Classes