Day 4 was devoted to putting everything back on the floor. It looks beautiful, take a look!
And again, but with stuff on it!
And our lovely north-facing side
And our mirrors with shields.
Thanks on Day 4 go to
- John Manestar (In spirit, he was ill)
- Devon Boorman
- Matheus Olmedo
- Walker Lunsford
- Greg Reimier
- John Gudlaugson
The floor looks beautiful and was entirely a volunteer effort. Everyone involved put in a lot of work so when you next see them give them a hearty thanks and a congratulations on a job well done:
- Matheus Olmedo
- Walker Lunsford
- Nick McWilliam
- John Gudlaugson
- Scott Martin
- Russell Smalley
- Devon Boorman
- Greg Reimer
- Adrian Jones
- Jessie Ye
- Janet Eastwood
- John Cobourne
An additional thanks to those who donated to the fund for refinishing the floor.
And a final, extra-special thanks to John Manestar for foremanning the project and for putting in a huge effort researching the procedure, lending his expertise and guidance and providing coffee!