WMA on the Atlantic Coast dominates this cull – along with Wes’s wistful musing for the week. Recreating a ‘fun’ death? THE RECORD (Woodland Park, New Jersey) 09 February 12 Swordsmanship on display in Leonia (Melinda Aranda and Carol Karels) WEMA authority, author and stage fight instructor Jack Kirby was recently interviewed about how he…
Category: Community
Sticks and Bumbershoots!
"A halberd (also called halbert or Swiss voulge) is a two-handed pole weapon that came to prominent use during the 14th and 15th centuries. Possibly the word halberd comes from the German words Halm (staff), and Barte (axe) - in modern-day German, the weapon is called Hellebarde. The halberd consists of an axe blade topped…
Academie Duello to be featured in a documentary at the Women In Film festival on March 10th
Academie Duello has the honour of being featured in a documentary by filmmaker Tatiana Balashova that will be screened at the upcoming Women in Film Festival at the Vancity Theatre on March 10th. From their program: ARTE, ARDORE, ONORE: THE WORLD OF SWORDPLAY | 10:00 mins 2011, Canada, directed by Tatiana Balashova Arte,…
Sword … Sorry, Lance Press from the USA
Snap Quiz: What American state has ‘jousting’ as it’s state sport? And why? (http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/01glance/html/symbols/sport.html, http://marylandjousting.com/) OK, pass your papers forward to the front. While We’re marking them, you can start reading ahead with today’s’ offering. For the past two years, those interested in things medieval have been teased with indications that something significant was brewing…
Shooting an instructional Rapier DVD
So yesterday we embarked on the adventure of shooting our first instructional rapier DVD. And I can proudly report that we're at least 60% through principal photography and only about 8 hours behind schedule! 🙂 It was actually a fun and successful day, though as with many things you often find yourself at the end…
Potential Joan of Arc-related Sword Press from Around the World
This being the 600th anniversary of the birth of Joan of Arc, We thought We would offer up a selection of press items detailing either the weapons and armour used by the heroine, or her influence on modern, kick-butt-attitude women being motivated to get into armour. Unfortunately, there does seem to be any 'news', though the…
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A link from Freelance Academy Press
We're quite fortunate in Vancouver to have a raft of instructors to teach us the art we're so passionate about. Not everyone has this and still want to practice. Freelance Academy Press has released several translations of various fencing masters from which to study. We carry many (if not all) in our store and our…
A Timely Review: The Knightly Art of Battle
There was a moment of serendipity on Friday when a shipment of new books arrived for the store, almost at the same time that Academie Duello's delightful patron, Major Wes, put a review of the same book up on the school message board. You all know Wes as the dutiful contributor who combs the internet…
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All Things Shiny and New
"Armour, n.The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith." - Ambroise Pierce, The Devil's Dictionary Armouring Winter Course Begins Sunday, February 5, 2012 10am-2pm Make hardened leather armour to suit your specific needs! The six week winter armouring course is considered 'open' meaning you decide what you want to make!…
The Princess Bride is NOT being Remade. Phew!
If you heard a rumour that the Princess Bride was going to be remade by the director of Juno, you'll be relieved (or god forbid, disappointed) to hear that it was a fabrication of overactive Internet imaginations. More can be read on TNT Magazine here - http://www.tntmagazine.com/entertainment/film/princess-bride-remake-rumours-h...So are you happy or disappointed about the news?…
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Sword Press (Fencing Press Actually) From Around the World
Given the dearth of WMA related material available this week, I thought We’d take a look at some unique elements of what has fallen out of our Art – Olympic-style fencing. Respects, Wes Everything Old is New Again FIRST COAST NEWS (Jacksonville, Florida) 15 January 12 Jacksonville Fencing Tournament Debuts 'Dagger Fencing' (Jovi Irwin) The 225…
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Disappointment Abounds! Workshops Are Full Next Weekend!
"If we are quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment." - Henry David Thoreau Unfortunately both of our workshops next weekend are already at capacity!: Intro to Bartitsu Saturday, January 28, 2012 1pm-5pm Learn the mixed martial art of the Victorian English Gentleman. In this four-hour workshop, you'll acquire the essential…
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New Initiatives and Continuing Legacies - Sword Press from Around the World
This week, we concentrate on swords (and sword masters) in modern times – and from area that we do not uaually consider to be WMA or sword centres of activity! A New Initiative Under Down-Under SOUTHLAND TIMES (Invercargill, New Zealand) 13 January 12 Knight likes his swords (Alex Fensome) Members of Medius Auvum Comitatus, a…
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Archery - Open Range Begins This Sunday!
"A long bow and a strong bow, And let the sky grow dark. The nock to the cord, the shaft to the ear, And a foreign king for a mark!" -- Robert E. Howard Archers grab your kits, bows and arrows and get ready as Academie's Duello Open Range begins this weekend on Sunday January…
New Year, New Everything
So here's a hodgepodge of news and links to things that are new for this ultimate year 2012. New Certification Dates First up, and most important, we will be running a Fight Directors Canada certification test at Academie Duello at the end of March. To qualify for Basic Actor-Combatant Certification, you must complete 60…
Book Notes: The Small-Sword in England (Aylward)
"Well Devon's not around and look at the empty space I've found, this one's mine!!" (Apologies to Chris de Burgh, Spanish Train) Given Devon’s absence on other commitments, I thought I’d sneak into his usual space for some non-press related, sword-resource time. With all due respect to some truly excellent writers and researchers out there…
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SwordFit Bootcamp starting January 9th!
Want to work off all that Christmas Turkey? Academie Duello is starting up another round of our awesome SwordFit Bootcamp starting January 9th to help you do just that. If you want a fitness experience that will entertain you and challenge you, SwordFit Bootcamp is the right camp for you. SwordFit Students: Lose…
The secret to true mastery....
Meh; I'll leave it for another day. Happy New Year!