“Irish Swordsmanship” by Miller | Academie Duello

Book Review: “Irish Swordsmanship” by Miller

The Masters of Fence? Who came to your mind first? Ridolfo Capo Ferro of Italy? Hieronimo de Caranza of Spain? Joseph Swetnam of England? Richard Sheridan of Ireland? Wait a minute … Who? From Where? A Broad Overview If the latter country, let alone the personality, does not resonate with a vision of civilised small…

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Youthful Sword Press News for February 2018

“A characteristic of adolescent games is that they are preparation for adult games and sport. Organized tournaments, for instance, were for adults, but adolescent males began to train for ritualized or real fighting. The city fathers were against such training, because … it would simply lead to a disruption of civic order if urban youth…

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Revisiting the Harms of Unsolicited Help

Recently, many female identified practitioners in my life have been bravely and gracefully sharing with me their challenges in being students in martial arts. One of the main things that comes up time and time again is how difficult it is to be a student when their, typically male, partners seem eager to constantly offer…

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Schedule Change: Jumping Courses Postponed

Due to unseasonably late snow, we have decided to delay starting the Riding Level 3, Jumping and Riding Level 4+, Jumping courses at Red Colt for two weeks.  This will give the ring time to recover from its late-season slush and firm up enough for jumping.  These courses will now start on Saturday March 17th. Note that all…

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Springing into Mounted Combat

Snow may have fallen this week, but that didn't keep us from riding and practising mounted combat.  And with spring just around the corner, we have many more course offerings to get you out of the salle and into the saddle. Spring Courses at Red Colt Mounted Combat Mastery February is sword & shield month,…

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Unapologetic Sword Press News for January 2018

Dawn came to Marylebone Fields and found Albemarle and his second waiting with swords and pistols. Townshend arrived late and apologized. "Men of spirit don't want apologies", said the 'showy man'. "Come, let us begin what we came for."[1] Yes, we’re late with both January ‘and’ December, Allons-y ! Release the Kraken! THE GUARDIAN (Charlottetown,…

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What to do in December at Red Colt?

Our last Riding, Horsemanship, and Mounted Combat classes for 2017 wrapped up on the weekend, but that doesn't mean activities have stopped for the year.  Here are some of the things you can do at Red Colt in December Get a Mounted Combat Membership Get your 2018 Membership now and you can use it in…

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Spontaneous Sword Press News for November 2017

“Put two kids in a room with long cardboard tubes and within seconds an epic sword fight begins. Kids love the idea of swordplay., and you heard that it looks great on a college application.”[1] How many of us delivered our first ‘sword cut’ with an empty roll of ‘wrap’ (be it of Christmas, birthday,…

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Thank you for your Membership

It's been just over a year since we launched our Mounted Combat Membership program.  Here's what some of those fees have paid for: Keeping Jack's tender toes happy with giant shoes Chiropractor visits for Tilly Making horse use and stall rental free of charge at Carosella 2017 Orange-bin rental for our renolition party this summer…

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Autumnal Sword Press News for September/October 2017

“…, Burton, in his Sentiment of the Sword …, tells us how the Italians adhered to their old practices, such as training outdoors (in contrast to the French, whose custom was to practice only indoors).”[1] Tis Fall now, and in most of Canada the temperatures are cooler and the ground is dry and firm. It…

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Autumn Riding and Swordplay at Red Colt

With the evenings getting shorter, its time to switch the hours of our Riding & Horsemanship classes back to Sunday mornings.   This is your last chance to get a series of classes in before our winter break! Autumn Riding, Horsemanship, and Mounted Combat Youth Riding & Horsemanship This course for kids aged 6-13 will introduce…

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Reflective Sword Press News for August 2017

Yes, August. Somewhere following, there are three items that are not necessarily ‘HEMA-heavy’ as they are reflective of some assessments of why people undertake martial arts … including swordplay in various forms. We have one Chinese assessment of what HEMA is, and a Ukraine piece describing how various celebrations of martial arts disciplines can contribute…

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Carosella 2017 Photos

Another amazingly fun and exciting Carosella has passed us by.  Congratulations to our high-point tournament winner Robert Borsos, and all the other riders who took home prizes!  Here are a few photos from Sunday courtesy of Double Exposure Photography.  Enjoy! A huge thank you to all the instructors, assistants, and volunteers  who worked to make…

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Congratulations to Our Blue Spur Pioneers!

The last day of Carosella is always special, as the competition is the culmination of the weekend's -- and the year's -- work in the Mounted Combat Program.  This Sunday was even more special as we had our first cohort of apprentices challenge the scholar level of our program, the Blue Spur. For the Blue…

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Carosella 2017: Don't Miss All This!

Carosella will be here in less than a fortnight!  If you haven't registered yet, don't delay — there are only 20 spaces each day for mounted activities.  (That said, if you are on the wait list for Mounted, there is plenty to keep you busy from the ground all weekend).  You can sign up here.…

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Why I Don't Believe in Tough Love

I don't believe in tough love. Yet, for some reason, society treasures it. We love the anti-hero archetype that speaks their mind and doesn’t bullshit (hey, people used this as a reason to vote for Trump), and there is something in that: The truth is important. We should value the truth. However, the truth is…

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Carosella 2017 FAQ

Registration for Carosella 2017 is open!  This year spaces for participating on horseback are limited to 20, so be sure to sign up soon. Now it's time to answer some of those frequently asked questions.... Q: How can I sign up for Carosella? A: You can register online here for full and one-day passes.  Regular entries…

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Horseback Archery FAQ

Horseback Archery is Back! The ever-popular Beginner and Intermediate Horseback Archery workshops with Robert Borsos are back this Sunday, August 6th.  People have been asking which course they can and should take and whether their existing skills are up to par.  So let's deconstruct it for you. Frequently Asked Questions Shouldn't I learn how to…

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