Leaning into High Tech Sword Press

As a community We try to remain as true to form in recreating ‘authentic’ swordplay as our understanding of medieval and renaissance fight-books will allow us. Modern technology has resulted in us being able to have access to functional (and affordable) armour and weaponry that allows us to practice techniques with the same ‘heft, feel…

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Jǫrmungandr-Bit Sword Press

Saturday’s Viking Ragnarök follow-on to the Y2K and the Mayan calendars 2012 cataclysmic predictions was similar in effect in that we’re all here together to read this bit. But the recent Viking (non) event did have a HEMA/WMA bonus.  We were reminded for a short time of the spirit and fighting techniques of the medieval…

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Leveling Sword Press

So, why did You take up HEMA/WMA? Fitness? Historical interest? Social leveler?   A Pointed Introduction. HA'ARETZ (Tel Aviv, Israel) 31 January 14  Herzl, swords and the Nazi salute: The curious history of Jewish fencers (Shay Fogelman) “Jews were forbidden most duelling groups, and formed their own.  And reached a degree of expertise to establish…

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Women - Don't Give Em Attitude Sword Press

Talhoffer takes the Train DER KURIER (Vienna, Austria) 07 February 14 Rapier, Säbel und Pluderhose: Fechten wie die Musketiere (Anna-Maria Bauer) Dreynschlag, one of the 20 historical fencing groups in Austria, hosted 200 of their peers during  their 10th annual "Dreyn Event" in Brigittenau. Combatants learned new skills and competed in rapier, sabre and pole-arms…

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Digging Up Some Sword Press

When culling the many sword-related press items that one finds when searching for those rare columns featuring things-HEMA/WEMA; one has to wade through a lot of lines about sports teams ‘putting the loser to the sword’; and politicians ‘jousting’ for advantage.  Even when you discover a title that gives you three, potential medieval-themed words in…

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Dropped Sword Press

We have just realized that due to our dotage, We’ve been alternating Our title between ‘Sword News’ and ‘Sword Press’ … it supposed to be ‘Press’. That is all. And you kids … get off my lawn! Dang nabbit!   New Year, New Skills. CHICAGOIST (Illinois) 08 Janury 14  The 5 Most Unusual Workouts In…

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Nine Ridiculous Weapons in Games, Cartoons, Film and Fiction

It is called a “fantasy” world for good reason.  When we turn to the fantasy genre when we play games, go to a movie, or read a book, we’re not looking for reality.  We’re looking to escape the world of the mundane and enter into a universe where anything can be possible.  However, sometimes it…

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Raison d'être of Sword News

The Academie Duello ‘Sword News’ has been a personal labour of love (maybe love of labour at times) since June 2009.  After a variety of issues, We decided that for the most part, the Sword News would now concentrate on posting items originating within the ‘traditional’ commercial press that cover HEMA/WMA events; activities related to…

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Christmas Clashes Sword Press

Christmas-time traditions differ across the world.  In Russia, December appears to be the time when you get together with good friends and exchange carefully selected and personally delivered blows across their armoured body!  There is a lot of Russian press and blog activity which leads Us to believe that the winter season is when Our…

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Christmas Sword – Sword Press

 We’re going to deviate from our usual introduction of the subsequent HEMA/WMA press by going straight to ‘swords as symbols’ … symbols of Christmas actually. Christmas? Fidelity, yes. Strength, absolutely. Honour, generally. But a Christmas related virtue? Specifically, those of compassion, generosity and humility? One version of the Christmas Sword is attributed to the story…

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Frustrating Sword Press

From time to time; our community manages to get ‘good press’ by journalists that drop by a salle and participate in a HEMA/WMA program; or they are able to interview an enthusiastic public after a hard fought and dramatic, historical swordplay demonstration. That said, one of the frustrating elements about being interested and active in…

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Waiting to be Discovered Sword News

Rapier-thin HEMA/WMA pickings from the press on this pass, it’s much akin to getting a Christmas stocking, but no presents under the tree! Thankfully, there are other things happening around the world to prove that the interest in swords, medieval or modern, is not on the wane. If It’s not Scottish, It’s Crap! CHRONICLE HERALD…

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Dueling Dudettes - Five Stories of Badass Women from History

History has its share of colourful duels between men of all stations but they weren't the only ones hurling down insults, hauling out swords, or trying to make new orifices in their enemies with pistols.  Here are five stories featuring some badass dueling ladies. 1. Hyde Park Pistol Duel Seems that women have been cattily…

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