As we finish up reviewing the Horsemanship Level 1 material, the final item on Horsemanship 1 checklist is:
11. Demonstrate safety and common sense when working around horses
Horsemanship Level 1: Safety and Common Sense
This is something our examiners make note of during the whole of the horsemanship assessment. We want to see that you are calm, confident, and sensible while handling your horse. Most candidates are very good at staying clear of the kicking zone and handle the horses well. However marks are often lost for these common mistakes:
- Horse is unsecured at some point. For example, the candidate has not kept the connection of arms and halter around the horse’s neck while switching from bridle to halter or vice versa.
- Lead rope coiled around hand or dragging on the ground while leading. The first could cause broken fingers; the second is a tripping hazard for handler and horse.
- Reins hanging down to ground. Not just a tripping hazard, this could also cause a broken bridle or an injured mouth if the horse steps on them.
- Human feet in danger of being stepped on, either when leading or picking hooves.
- Stirrups not run up when leading the horse. This could spook a horse when the stirrups bang against his sides, or get caught in doors and gates.
While we don’t give specific turn-out marks at this level, your own attire should be safe as well. This includes:
- closed-toe footwear to prevent foot injuries
- clothing that fits well: no loose or flowy bits to spook horse or snag on tack
- long hair tied back
- minimal and safe jewelry: necklaces worn inside shirt; no dangly earrings or large rings
- gloves available
For a good review of safe handling techniques with a tied horse, we can revisit Ally and Noah:
Bonus Question: How could you improve the way Noah is tied?
Carosella is coming!
Carosella 2019 is coming up from September 27-29. This three day symposium is open to riders of all levels. However, if you feel you want to get your feet wet before the big weekend, there are courses coming up to help you out.
Intro to Mounted Combat for Horse and Rider
This course is intended for established riders looking to add mounted combat to their repertoire. Spend the morning learning swordplay on the ground and with our school horses, then in the afternoon introduce your own horse to mounted combat in a controlled situation with the help of our expert instructors. Haul-in and stabling is included. Some school horses available for the afternoon session as well.
Intro to Mounted Combat for Horse and Rider
Saturday 24 August10am – 5pm
$350 full day
$200 morning only
$200 afternoon only (for participants with prior Mounted Combat experience)
Cavalier Camp

The perfect summer pastime for the budding equestrian knight or archer!
Cavalier Camp
Mon – Fri, 26 – 30 August
10am – 3pm
Full camp: $575 + gst
Mornings (riding) only: $425 + gst
Afternoons (knightly skills) only: $200 + gst
Youth Riding & Horsemanship
This course for kids aged 6-13 will introduce your child to ponies and horses in safe, fun, and friendly series of six classes taught by Pony Club qualified instructors. Each class contains a riding lesson as well as a horsemanship lesson where students will learn to handle, groom, and care for ponies and horses. Curriculum follows the Canadian Pony Club D level lessons and will prepare students for testing Academie Duello Mounted Combat Riding 1 or Pony Club D Level.
Wednesdays 5:00 - 7:00 pm
11 Sep - 16 October
Cost: $300 + GST
Beginner Riding & Horsemanship
This six-class course is designed to help the beginning rider achieve Horsemanship and Riding Level 1.
The Horsemanship portion includes haltering, leading & securing your horse; points of the horse; parts of the saddle & bridle; grooming & tacking up; untacking and care of tack; basic feeding and needs of the horse.
The Riding curriculum covers turn out and checking tack, mounting & dismounting, warm up exercises, – basic seat position, aids for walk, trot and halt, circles & turns, rising trot, ground rails, introduction to canter if ready, single hand reining, stirrupless work, and introduction to games skills
The cost of the course includes one free riding or horsemanship assessment. Students can expect to be ready to assess Horsemanship Level 1 at the end of the six classes. Readiness for Riding Level 1 typically takes two iterations of the course.
Prerequisites: none
Beginner Riding & Horsemanship
Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00 pm
11 Sep - 16 October
cost: $375 for six classes
single classes: $75 each if space available
Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:00 pm
11 Sep - 16 October
cost: $275 for six classes
single classes: $55 each if space available
Carosella 2019
Pre-registration is now open for Carosella 2019. The entire three days of workshops and tournament is yours for only $259. Stay tuned for the workshop schedule coming soon!
Carosella 2019
Fri - Sun September 27 - 29
cost $259 + gst