Sword and Shield Dirty Plays Workshop Recap

This past Saturday I taught a workshop on the grittier, all-in, side of Sword and Buckler combat. We explored shield strikes, wrestling entries, arm binds, disarms, throws, and counter-wrestles.  The workshop had 12 participants and went superbly.  I've included a few photos taken by Greg Reimer during the workshop showing a few techniques in action. …

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Workshopping In May

"Violence and smut are of course everywhere on the airwaves. You cannot turn on your television without seeing them, although sometimes you have to hunt around." - Dave Barry Intro to Stage Combat Sunday, May 13, 2012 In this intensive 4-hour workshop, we’ll cover the basics of stage combat, including: ▪Slaps ▪Punches ▪Chokes ▪Push and…

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Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium - Board Position Opportunities

Planning for the 2013 edition of the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium has begun! We had our first board meeting just this last weekend and began setting out our vision for next year's conference to be held February 16 - 18, 2013. This will be the second time we have run this conference in Vancouver and…

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Possibly Out-of-Control Sword Press

An eclectic mix this week, including a couple of hits from long-absent France.Wes Not Your Daddy’s Fencing Match EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE (Mesa, Arizona) 27 April 12  EV men test their mettle -- and their metal -- at 'Battle of Nations' (Mike Sakal) A last look by one newspaper at some of the American competitors going…

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Dirty Tricks and Handmade Protection

Sword & Shield: Grapples, Shield Strikes and Other Dirty Plays Saturday, May 5, 2012 3pm-7pm Close engagements, throws, disarms, pommel strikes, shield strikes, and many more rough and tumble plays are the heart of this workshop on sword and shield grappling. This workshop will offer practitioners of any experience level a set of useful tools…

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Beginner Courses Starting in May

Taste of the Renaissance Mondays & Wednesdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm for 8 classes beginning Monday, May 7, 2012 Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:00pm-6:30pm OR from 7:00pm-8:30pm for 8 classes beginning Tuesday, May 8, 2012 The eight class introductory course for Academie Duello's Mastery Program.Students focus on the rapier, the dueling weapon of the Italian nobility, as…

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Make your own bow - a rare workshop opportunity at Academie Duello May 22-24

A few weeks ago, Jamie MacDonald from Ravenbeak Natureworks contacted Academie Duello to find out if we'd be interested in offering a very unique workshop at our school. The workshop offered the opportunity to make your own bow right from a yew stave (a split piece of yew wood from a fallen tree). We invited…

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Taking it off

Congratulations & Thanks! Before getting to our weekly topic I’d like to thank everyone who lent a hand at the work party on Sunday.  We got an great start on Jack-proofing our fences, replaced several posts, built and installed two gates, and hauled those logs out to the back field to start building new cross…

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