International Sword Press (and Arrow Press - again)

‘Hunger Games’-related archery press continues to dominate, at least on this side of the big pond.  However overseas; sword melees, sword research and sword-related ‘culture’ continue.  Wes A Royal Sword?   BOURNEMOUTH ECHO (Wareham, UK) 19 April 12 Saxon sword found in River Frome may been owned by royalty (Jim Durkin) A 10th century, old-English…

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Chicago Tribune writes about swordplay, Bartitsu, and historically inspired fitness.

The Chicago Tribune has posted an article about our friends Forteza Fitnessthat includes some quotes from an interview with me as well as Tony Wolf, and Keith Jennings. Check it out on their website:,0,918731.story?page=1

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Duello on screen today and tomorrow - Celluloid Social Club and BTV!

If you're in Vancouver and not taking a class at Academie Duello tonight, come and check out the second screening of the documentary Arte, Ardore, Onore as part of a Celluloid Social Club event. Doors at 7:30pm, shows start at 8pm at the Anza Club (#3 West 8th Ave. at Ontario St., Vancouver, BC). You can…

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Dogwood Tournament this Friday, April 20th

Hello all swordfighters and swordfighting spectators!  Cascadia North is proud to announce the first annual Dogwood Tournament, taking place this coming Friday, April 20th, from 7pm 'til midnight at Academie Duello.  This event involves tournaments for the rapier, the longsword, and archery. We will also hold a voting contest for the winner of our potluck…

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Armizare Academy is an invitational event hosted by the Chicago Swordplay Guild for schools which practice within the Italian Swordplay tradition from throughout the world.  This year Academie Duello has the honour of being invited to join in and be a part of this great meeting of teachers and students.   The event takes place at the beautiful and historic…

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Some Useful Historical Fencing Resources

The Internet has been a great boon to us as historical swordplay practitioners. 15 years ago access to resources regarding historical fencing were much harder to come by and generally required actuallyvisiting repositories of historical manuals.  Now through the power of the Internet you can have high quality copies of nearly any manuscript and the ability to connect and…

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On the Right Tack

As with points of the horse, the nomenclature of the saddle and bridle varies from the obscure to the obvious. Item #6 on the Horsemanship 1 test is: Identify simple parts of saddle & bridle While it may seem a nuisance to memorize these terms, it is fairly important to know your billet strap from…

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Centre of the Canadian Universe Sword Press

Toronto and jousting items dominate this Easter offering. Toronto – swords ‘and’ jousting … who knew? Of more important note though, our community recently suffered an accident that deserves a moment’s consideration to ensure that we’re doing everything possible to take care of weapon safety during training, displays or competitions. Wes   A Centre for…

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