See the full gallery on Posterous Two demos, 12 hours in armour, a sneak peak of season 2, a ton of fighting and a regal throne. Good day.
Read More... from Photos from Game of Thrones season 2 premiere
See the full gallery on Posterous Two demos, 12 hours in armour, a sneak peak of season 2, a ton of fighting and a regal throne. Good day.
Read More... from Photos from Game of Thrones season 2 premiere
Let's start with an analogy, not only because I have faith that my readers understand analogies, but also because you're guaranteed to understand this one: Jedi is to lightsabre as Steampunk is to Bartitsu Jedi don't have to use lightsabres (in fact, I'm surprised there aren't more who eschew them), it's just appropriate and therefore…
If you're a fan of HBO's Game of Thrones you are lucky to be living in Vancouver! This Friday Movie Central and HBO will be holding an all day premiere event in advance of the April 1st premiere of Season 2 on HBO Canada. The event will feature an all day marathon of Season 1…
Read More... from Academie Duello @ Game of Thrones Season 2 Premiere
Last Saturday (March 17th) I taught a workshop on Applied Combatives for the Longsword. The focus of this workshop was on taking skills learned and practiced in technical classes and put them into the context of sparring. Exercises followed Fiore's four combative aspects Prudence, Courage, Fortitude, and Speed and put techniques under various kinds of…
Read More... from Some photos from last Saturday's Longsword Workshop
First off a huge 'thank-you' to everyone who came out to the emergency work party on Sunday to dig ditches, attack brambles and fix fences (with extra special thanks to Kat & Tyrel who came out TWO days in a row, having spent Saturday with Andy clearing the ditch around the manure pile -- awesome!)…
It’s spring and a young duellist’s thoughts turn to … Europe! Apparently, they have lots of castle’s there, lots of blades lying around waiting to be discovered and lots of WMA/HEMA-aficionado company to share! I wonder if they have beer in Europe too? Lots of Competition! ОРЕНБУРГСКИЕ НОВОСТИ (Orenberg, Russia) 13 March 12…
Read More... from Near-indecipherable International Sword Press
Every now and then I like to return to my books. As a part of the Mastery program there is required reading for each cord rank, so, we all read it at least once. It can be rather confusing at first, and, after that first reading I thought I was done with it. Then,…
"I'm your knight in shining armour. I'm here to save you from Linkin Park." - Rufus Wainwright Intro to the Knightly Arts Saturday, March 24, 2012 3pm-7pm Over the course of four hours you will learn the fundamentals of Armizare; a martial system first taught by Italian Knight Fiore dei Liberi in the 14th century. You will…
It's nice to read inspirational happy stories that encourage you to train harder and feel great. It's also nice to get clear information and details to help your chosen studies. Normally, I try to give you both. Today, I have to draw your attention to bad news. Vancouver Playhouse Closed I saw one of their…
The rapier gets a lot of love around Duello being that it's the foundational weapon of our Mastery Program, but those of you who have advanced to the Red Cord or who are part of the Warrior Program or our Longsword Focus program, or are following along at home through our videos, deserve some attention…
Read More... from Some Longsword Love - Drills for Longsword Flow
The second item on the Horsemanship Level 1 checklist is: 2. Enter, approach and safely halter horse in stall or paddock There are a myriad of videos out there, but really, you can't do it much better than this little girl: (Just watch to about 1:35 -- it gets a bit chaotic when her sister…
Read More... from A Horse in Hand is Worth Two in the Field: catching & haltering
Sometimes when things are quiet in the WMA world, trying to find sword-related press is akin to banging your head against a stone wall … a very tall, thick stone … hey, wait a minute! … Taking a Castle – the Hard Way THE PROVINCE (Vancouver, BC) 08 March 12 Fresh take on medieval castles…
No matter how much fun you're having, foam swords are not swords. Wasters, Foils, and S(word)L(ike)O(objects)s Sword simulators, specifically for longsword and arming/side sword, fall into three categories: wood, synthetic, and steel. There are, of course, some gray areas that don't fall directly into these categories, such as bamboo trainers built around some manner of…