Arte, Ardore, Onore documentary Wins Women in Film Award

The 10 minute documentary by Tatiana Balashova about Academie Duello has won the Distribution Award from the Women in Film festival happening this weekend in Vancouver. In fact the film will be premiering today at 3:30pm! You can read more about it at the festival here. Congratulations to Tatiana for her accolade!  

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Bartitsu 10-March-2012

This week in Bartitsu Walking stick review: Reverse grip Boxing lesson: Guarding Integration: Being ambushed Please note that future installments of this weekly notice will appear in Duello's weekly newsletter. I recommend all students subscribe to it to keep track of everything happening at Academie Duello. Look for the "Email List Sign Up" on the right side…

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Horse Sense and Full-Speed Heavy Combat Training

"There is something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a man." - Winston Churchill Riding & Horsemanship this weekend still has room left! In this series of workshops participants will cover the Horsemanship material needed to progress through the ranks of the Cavaliere Program.  Beginners will learn the simple…

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The triumvirate of Rapier, Sidesword, and Longsword - This month in Mastery at Academie Duello

As you may or may not know our curriculum at Academie Duello in the Mastery Program runs on a scheduled calendar based on what level you are at. Each month there is a different focus in class, perhaps a different weapon or a change in strategic or technical theme. This is one of the rare…

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Savate and Purring and Wing Chun

The similarities are striking. Or the kicking. Good writing does not happen through bad puns. Targeting the Shin and Knee The common advice among all practical forms of self-defence regarding kicks is: "Never use high kicks." I hope you've heard that before, so I won't spend too much time explaining the reasoning. The higher the…

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Forteza Fitness in Chicago is doing some cool stuff!

My friends Greg Mele and Keith Jennings as well as associated others, including Tony Wolf, have setup a new salle of swordsmanship, Bartitsu and much more in Chicago. The centre is called Forteza Fitness and it is the new home of the Chicago Swordplay Guild and the Bartitsu Club of Chicago. They recently got some…

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Off side! Navigating your way around a horse

This is the first in a series of posts that will look at the individual requirements in the Horsemanship stream of the Cavaliere Program, beginning with Level 1.  Even if you already have your Horsemanship 1 it is worthwhile reviewing this material, as subsequent levels are all built upon this foundation.  The first item on…

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Past, Present and Future (?) Sword Press

Nicci looked up at Kahlan . "Knives are not my talent." "It's not hard," Kahlan said as she pressed the handle into Nicci's hand. "When the time is right, just stick the pointed end somewhere important in someone you really don't like." Quotes from the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, courtesy of Wikiquote.…

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Intro to Stage Combat Next Weekend and Spring Break Knight Camp!

"(on Errol Flynn) He was not an actor of enormous talent - he would have admitted that himself - but in all those swashbuckling things he was beautiful." - Bette Davis Intro to Stage Combat Sunday, March 11, 2012 2pm-6pm In this intensive 4-hour workshop, we’ll cover the basics of stage combat, including: ▪Slaps ▪Punches…

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