Book Notes: The Small-Sword in England (Aylward)

"Well Devon's not around and look at the empty space I've found, this one's mine!!" (Apologies to Chris de Burgh, Spanish Train) Given Devon’s absence on other commitments, I thought I’d sneak into his usual space for some non-press related, sword-resource time. With all due respect to some truly excellent writers and researchers out there…

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Cavaliere 2012

What's up in the next few months in the Mounted Combat Program? Riding & Horsemanship Our next series of Riding & Horsemanship classes begin Sunday January 15th.  These classes are for all levels and cover the information needed to progress through our Horsemanship levels, followed by a minimum 30 minute Riding session to help you…

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New Year's Resolutions for Fencing - A Review of the Slight Edge

Over the winter holiday I have been reading a book on the subject of personal mastery called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It is a good and relevant read for those interested in mastering fencing (and not just because of the title!) or really any type of new year's resolution or goal you might…

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A Game of Dark Knights Should Set, Not Rise

Well, it falls out that the only thing I should write about on this quiet Thursday is the recently released second installment of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.   I'm not looking forward to the rest of this article, or the fallout it may generate. It's a dangerous game. I'll change directions often, sometimes in response…

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