Duelling Sword Press News for July 2017

In the history of duelling we read the history of of mankind in the development of evil passions, and the occasional display of some redeeming qualities.[1] Last month we had the press assessment that Canada ‘might’ be establishing the legal conditions that would allow us to return to ‘the duel’ as a socially acceptable method…

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Getting Started in HEMA, Wherever You Are

Historical European Martial Arts are one of the most rapidly growing parts of the Martial Arts world with new groups, sites, and schools opening up all the time in both the West and East. Yet for a new practitioner, even with all this choice, it can be hard to know where or how to start.…

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Dimensions of Mastering the Art

When you attend classes through Academie Duello, you learn a system of fencing, an art, and you learn that system through a particular methodology. Our goal is to help people find the path of mastery. To develop an understanding of the art on a deep and fundamental level in multiple dimensions and to explore those…

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International Mounted Games meet Mounted Combat

On Thursday July 13th, Academie Duello hosted a Mounted Combat day for competitors on the International Mounted Games Exchange.  Twenty fifteen-year-olds plus coaches and chaperones from the UK, USA, Australia, and across Canada made Red Colt a stop on their two-week tour of the Lower Mainland and the Island. Putting Old Skills to New Work…

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Taped Up, Braced Up, and Strapped Down: Training Through Injury

I consider myself to be relatively lucky in regards to injuries when it comes to martial arts. I have broken some fingers in intense bouting, separated a shoulder while doing armoured combat, and have certainly had my share of sprains and strains. That being said, it has been a relatively healthy career thanks to a…

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Summer Courses with Horses at Red Colt

Summer is here at last!  Don't let the beautiful days slip through your fingers ... get out and on a horse this month!  In addition to our regular classes we have added jumping and cross country clinics this month.  Look for more clinics next month as well ... Summer Courses at Red Colt Jumping Clinic…

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Fashionably Late Sword Press: News for June 2017

If the movie ‘Wonder Woman’ has the legs to keep public interest (no pun intended) until October, ‘the’ Halloween must-have costume accessory of choice will probably be a sword sheathed, tied or taped over ones’ back.  Given the amount of imagination out there, we’re apt to see many variations of the theme that night as…

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Stadium Jumping: the half course

Riding Level 4: Stadium Jumping At level 3 we asked you to jump a couple of cross-rails and navigate some poles on the ground.  Four level 4 you will have to ride a 13.  Stadium Course 3-4 fences.  Verticals, spreads, combinations.  2’ maximum. A regular course usually has at least eight jumps, so this is…

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The Pedestal: What We Expect From Our Teachers

I have come to wonder if placing our teachers on pedestals is about elevating them, or if it's really about lowering and restricting ourselves?  Elevating our teachers to a realm beyond what is humanly achievable can be a strategy for minimizing our own expectations, and thus our disappointments. If the goal is unachievable there are…

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