Book Review: “A Gentleman's Guide to Duelling” by Saviolo

Jared Kirby presents his interpretation and editing of Vincentio Saviolo’s 1595 work 'Of Honour and Honourable Quarrels'. Vincentio Saviolo set up a fencing salle in Elizabethan London ‘about’ late 1580-ish, but he is perhaps better known to most in the HEMA rapier community as being the ‘dandified Italian’ against whom George Silver ranted. That aside,…

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Horse Archery a Sunny Success

The weather was perfect, the horses were mellow, and the students all left with smiles on their faces after our day of Horseback Archery with Robert Borsos of Borsos Torzs Horse Archery.  The beginners started the day by learning Hungarian archery from foot, before we mounted them up on friendly school horses with handlers for some shooting…

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Are You Doing Too Much and Eating Too Little?

Three times in the last week I have advised other coaches seeking help working on weight loss with clients to get them to do less, eat more, and be patient. The common belief for weight loss is to eat less, train more, but more often than not when talking to other nutrition coaches their clients flounder…

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Strategies for Visual Learning

Understanding your strongest and weakest learning styles can be a useful and illuminating tool for becoming a more engaged and effective student. This week we examine effective strategies for maximizing visual learning and retention. Check out the DTV Livestream on Effective Learning to hear a discussion on this same subject. Visual learning is the process…

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Relinquishing Control? Dropping the Reins at all Paces

Riding Level 4: Dropping the Reins There are many times dropping the reins is useful or necessary in mounted combat. Historical manuals show pommel strikes, grappling, cross-bow, off-hand, and half-sword plays at walk and canter.  And, of course, horseback archery is always done without a hand on the reins.  Some images show the reins looped through the…

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Less Function, More Art.

So, let’s get this down on paper first. I hate the word functional. It’s not a problem with the word itself, it’s that like the words “natural”, “healthy” and “fitness” it has become virtually meaningless. Every time someone uses the word functional, ask them the question “functional for what?”. Most of the time they won’t…

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Spring Season Sword Press: News for April 2017

Most sports require a novice to spend a lot of money to equip themselves with those pieces of kit necessary to start learning the basics of the game. (European football and ultimate Frisbee perhaps being the exceptions here). Ice hockey, lacrosse and American football require significant equipment commitment before the first timer can safely set…

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Shooting from the Saddle: Horseback Archery Returns May 7th

We're delighted to welcome back Robert Borsos of Borsos Torsz Horse Archery for another day of workshops on Sunday May 7th!  The Beginner workshop is suitable for riders and archers of all levels from those who've never held a bow or sat upon a horse on up.  The Intermediate workshop is for those who have…

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Being an Empowered Learner: Know Your Learning Style

Your learning is only based partly on the effectiveness of your teacher. It is largely based on your own personal effectiveness as a learner. Good teachers should certainly help you on this journey, but the more you can help yourself, the more you stand to gain in each of the learning situations of your life.…

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Switching to Summer Hours at Red Colt

It's that time of year again!  As the furry coats are shedding out, we shift our class times to take advantage of lingering daylight.  This means Riding & Horsemanship classes move to Saturdays from 4pm onward, starting this Saturday, April 22nd.  Mounted Combat mastery classes and Mounted Combat Fundamentals remain on Sundays starting at noon. …

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Book Review: “Cut & Thrust – European Swords and Swordsmanship” by Dougherty

This recent inclusion to the HEMA body of common knowledge is very much a 'beer and peer' book. That is to say, you can open the book into most any chapter, and find a statement or assessment that should lead to intelligent debate among your knowledgeable sparring partners. In ‘Cut & Thrust’ Martin Dougherty describes…

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