How Do You Foster Safety In Martial Arts?

Though safety may seem boring, uncool, or like an unnecessary consideration, it is a vital foundation for pursuing excellence in martial arts in both the short- and long-term. Having a solid approach to safety in your group is important for retaining members, keeping your body healthy, and for creating the space for experimentation. At Academie…

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There are No Shortcuts; Just Dead Ends

I recently had a discussion on social media about this particular item: They are a kind of cutesy self defense device being marketed to women. Now, these are stupid, illegal, and unlikely to even offer an advantage in a self defense scenario. Not only that, but they are explicitly sold as a weapon, and therefore…

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The Pursuit of Learning Should Not Be Partisan

It is easy to fall into the idea that there are right approaches and wrong approaches, true paths and false paths. If your group does things one way, if you've invested your time in one path, it can be difficult to allow that those who practice a different system, approach, or have invested in a different strategy,…

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What is Mounted Combat Mastery?

A new path to Mastery?  Well, and old one really, but one we've renamed it.  Weekly Mounted Combat classes are now known as Mounted Combat Mastery, and you can use the same tuition credits you use for Rapier and Longsword Mastery classes.  Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions to get you…

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The Longsword DVD is Finally Here!

More than two years ago, I got together with Greg Reimer, a group of other Duello students and a filmmaker to lay down the footage for a new DVD: Introduction to Italian Longsword. After two years of post-production problem solving it is finally available to the public!! This DVD is an efficient and thorough approach to…

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Single-handed Skill

Riding Level 4: Single-handed Reining For Level 3 you were asked to demonstrate single-handed reining at a walk, trot, and canter.  For Level 4 we also want to see: 8. Single hand reining. Control & confidence at all paces.  Turns, halts. This Level 3 blog post covers the mechanics of single-handed reining.  For Level 4 we…

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Ask for Support, Not Instruction

Say that your car has broken down. You go ask your friends for recommendations of a good mechanic. You don’t ask for recommendations on how to fix it yourself with zero automotive knowledge, and then do your best to follow the instructions on what “worked for them”. Health and fitness are weird. You can do…

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Excellence, Machismo, and Hardcore Training

Let me say first that I am all for the pursuit of excellence. Challenging yourself to be better is daunting, daring, and rewarding. On this road, you must find the edges of your comfort, push beyond your physical limitations, and surmount many an emotional hurdle. And though much of this is truly hard, little of…

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Forward and Free: work on the loose rein

Riding Level 4: Forward Movement pt II Last week, we looked at forward movement.  This week we'll look at the remainder of checkbox #7 in your Level 4 riding assessment: the free walk and work on a loose rein. The Free Walk A free walk on a loose rein is a common element of dressage…

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Is Sugar The Root of All Evil, Hellbent on Destroying Us All?

No* Sorry to disappoint, but as much as we want to hate on a particular foodstuff, it’s really not, because the fact is food is not good or bad. Nor is it evil, “clean”, healthy or pure. Food is food. A better question than whether something is “good” or “healthy” is does this suit my…

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