Public Health Closure December 23rd to January 18th

Dear Academie Duello Members and Customers, Due to the public health orders in effect from December 23rd to January 18th, we are required to cancel all adult group classes and bookings during this time. We will, however, be able to continue our Youth program, Knight Academie, for its winter term beginning January 8, as well…

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DIY Indoor Training Longsword

  The longsword is a powerful piece of historical weaponry. Its mystique has captured our attention for hundreds of years and is consistently prevalent in both ancient texts and today’s pop culture. A typical training longsword is steel, between 40 and 50 inches in total length, and can take up some serious space when you…

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Thank You For Keeping Swordplay Alive!

Dear Friends, Supporters, and Swordplay Fans! We couldn’t be more thankful for all the contributions we have received throughout the campaign, both big and small. Your support has reminded us how important Academie Duello is in our community for our members, students, and supporters from around the world (so many of you!). We started this…

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Welcome to Academie Cavallo!

2020 marks ten years since Devon, Adam, and I started the Mounted Combat (Cavaliere) program at Academie Duello.  And now, as of this summer, the program has a life of its own as Academie Cavallo! What's Changing Aside from the awesome new logo (thanks to my talented daughter Kate Landels), payment and registration for classes…

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Reopening Plans Are Underway!

This past week has been exciting for Academie Duello. We have nearly reached the halfway mark in our GoFundMe campaign, we’re coming to the close of our So You Think You Can Sword? online forms competition, we just hosted our first in-person classes since we closed down, we are expanding online offerings, and we’re hard…

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Get Back in the Saddle with the Mounted Combat Program

We're delighted to announce the return of scheduled Riding, Horsemanship, and Mounted Combat classes at Cornwall Ridge Equestrian, starting June 7th! COVID-19 Precautions We have always had small class sizes and plenty of open space at our stables.  Riding class size will remain at the maximum of four, and we are restricting Mounted Combat classes…

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