Resolve to Ride in 2017

I hate New Year's resolutions.  They don't stick, and they end up making you feel guilty before you even flip the calendar to February.  But I do like goals.  Especially goals that are useful and achievable all year round.  And whether you like New Year's resolutions or not, January is a great time to peer…

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Snowy Sword Press: News for December 2016

“Italians especially Neapolitans loved dueling, and Italy clung to the duello more ferociously than any country besides France and Germany. In the ten years between 1879 and 1889, 2,759 duels were recorded there … In summer, the number of duels was five times greater than in winter, ...” [1] Earlier this month, Devon Boorman wrote…

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Horsing throughout the holidays

The weather outside is frightful, but that doesn't stop hardy Canadian mares (and girls)! If you have a Mounted Combat Membership and a few days off this week don't let the weather stop you -- come on down and get cuddly with one of our furry beasts.  They'll be happy to see you, especially if…

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Swordplay On Your Break, or a Break from Swordplay?

We just finished our last curriculum week for the year at Academie Duello. It will be two weeks before we're back on to our regular program and, depending on where you practice, you might be stepping into a similar break yourself. So what to do with the time off? If you don't stop, you don't have…

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The Next Best Thing to a Pony Under the Tree

Who doesn’t want a pony for Christmas?  Give the next best thing with a six-week course of Riding & Horsemanship at Red Colt Farm, where students learn to care for and ride Academie Duello’s gentle school horses.  If the thought of knighthood lights up your loved-one’s eyes, include the Mounted Combat Fundamentals course for only…

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Humble Beginnings: How to Start a Sword Fighting School

Academie Duello started in August 2004 at a defunct outdoor skating rink in the heart of downtown Vancouver, Canada. The space cost us nothing, other than the time and effort it took to get permission from the province, who owned the rink. It was covered, lit at night, and centrally located. We had enough money…

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A party where party-goers are sabering champange

Duelling with Cause NYE 2017

Let the clash of steel be what rings in your new year! Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay and Mission-Possible are hosting one of this year's most unique and exciting evenings of dancing, fun activities, canapés, and swordplay! Why not enjoy a fun New Year's Eve and support charity at the same time? Get your tickets…

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Why You Should Attend VISS 2017!

It's back — the fourth Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium! February 17th to 19th, 2017 will be a weekend of amazing learning right in the heart of beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. The theme this year is This vs That: An Exploration of Martial Asymmetry. This is a do-not-miss event and I heartily recommend that you attend.…

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Academie Duello gift guide 2016

It’s that time of year again; trees have lost their leaves but gained some twinkly lights. And it’s time to knuckle down to do some serious gift shopping for your loved ones. This year your friendly neighborhood swordfighting school has you covered. Numerous studies have demonstrated that when purchasing gifts for people one of the…

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