Factual Sword Press: News for October 2016

"Just the facts, ma'am," Attributed to Detective Sergeant "Joe" Friday Are Longswords Larger in Texas? DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE (Texas) 30 October 2016: The members of Denton’s ARMA group are working hard to prepare themselves physically and intellectually for their bi-annual meeting on the medieval martial arts. The article describes their aims and intentions. It also features…

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Turnout: the Well-Groomed Horse and Rider

Riding Level 4: Turnout Just as we start marking you for your turnout in Horsemanship Level 4, we are expecting a minimum level of grooming and presentation in Riding Level 4 as well. Turn Out. Horse & Rider. AD shirt, boots, breeches, helmet, gloves We're not looking for shadbellies or show jackets, but at this…

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Simulation over Style

My approach to stage combat has three priorities: Safety, Simulation, and Story. This is a small but important departure from the standard Fight Directors Canada version that students will see in their glossary: safety, storytelling, and style. Here is why I believe simulation beats style and gives us a clearer understanding of what we do…

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Book Review: “The Art of Sword Combat” by Meyer

New for this year is Dr Jeffry L. Forgeng's translation of the recently discovered Fechtbuch ‘The Art of Sword Combat’[1] by Joachim Meyer. This new offering is thought to pre-date Meyer’s famous work, ‘The Art of Combat’ (1570) by two years. Dr Forgeng is well qualified to handle an original, old work. He’s done research…

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How to Practice Predicting Your Opponent

"That is a really inefficient way to attack. What are they doing?" I think as my opponent winds up some particularly arduous looking strike. "Ah. Hitting me." This is a scenario I have encountered on many occasions in my development. I've entered into combat with an opponent expecting a particular type of response, only to have…

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New! Mounted Combat Practice nights are here

Our new Mounted Combat memberships are live starting today, which means members are now able to sign up for practice rides and our new Mounted Combat Practice nights.  But, you ask, what exactly happens at a Mounted Combat Practice? Mounted Combat Practice Basically, these Monday evenings are the MC Program equivalent of Open Floor: an…

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Bartitsu Rank Exam (Blue Sash)

The first rank exam a student of Bartitsu faces is to test whether an apprentice who wears a green sash is ready to progress to the scholar level and wear the blue sash. We hold this evaluation every four months or thereabouts, and a Bartitsuka must have at least three months of instruction to qualify…

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Developing Tactical Senses

This is the second part in a series on Awareness. Part 1 explored how to develop your ability to recall and diagnose what’s happening in combat through three games. In this post I’m going to delve into the second definition of awareness: Feeling, experiencing, or noticing something (such as a sound or sensation). Tactics Being…

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Make the Most of a Mounted Combat Membership

Last week we rolled out our new Mounted Combat Membership with a special offer: buy your 2017 membership before the end of October and get November and December benefits for free. So what exactly are those benefits?  Here are the details ... Mounted Combat Membership 10% Discount on Mounted Combat Program Courses This includes: Riding…

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Seated Quietly with Sword Press: News for September 2016

“… every night almost some one or other, who either heated with wine, or made choleric with the loss of his money, raises a quarrel, swords are drawn, … ”[1] The recently completed Para Olympics Wheelchair Fencing competition did bring to mind an item I once read about a fencing master demonstrating his abilities by…

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Trailer Ricochet: John Wick Chapter 2

I was reluctant to see John Wick (2014) because I didn't think the story of an unstoppable gun-toting Keanu Reeves seeking revenge for his puppy would be entertaining. Boy, was I right. But what the story lacks in... story... it makes up for with action. The gun-fu as performed by Reeves is exceptional. And now,…

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