The Difference Between a Fighter and a Martial Artist

If you can kick butt, does that make you a martial artist? Not necessarily. The word “art" is etymologically related to the word “artisan”. To the renaissance man, something was an art because it is based on well-ordered principles. A sound art is able to efficiently and effectively achieve a desirable end through a seamless alignment with…

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(c) Double Exposure Photography

Carosella Photos

No time to write a post this week.  Instead, enjoy some Carosella 2016 photos courtesy of Double Exposure Photography. Double Exposure Photography is Eleanor & Isabel Landels.  For more of their photos see their Facebook page.  There are more Carosella photos that have not yet been sorted.  If you'd like pictures of yourself, email me…

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Book Review: "The History and Art of Personal Combat" by Wise

“From the moment a girl gets to be full-grown, the very first thing she learns When two men go out to face each other, only one returns.” -- Gene Pitney, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Though opinions vary, the most recent revival of academic and practical interest in duelling started about two decades ago. This does…

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Am I Learning Fast Enough?

It is tempting as a teacher to always respond to this question with “Yes”. I have found that people these days seem to be hard on themselves and are terrible at accurately assessing their own progress—I certainly have seen this in myself. It is difficult to view progress subjectively because with learning comes a greater awareness of what you…

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Autumn Courses at Red Colt

The days are just a little shorter and cooler, and the horses' coats are have gone from sleek to velvety, but there is still plenty of great riding weather left.  Here are the fall riding and swordplay opportunities on offer through the Mounted Combat Program. Upcoming Courses To register for courses see the workshops calendar…

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Carosella Congratulations

What an amazing weekend!  The skies were blue, the temperature was perfect, the horses were on their best behaviour, and the participants were incredible at Carosella 2016. On Friday the focus was on Horsemanship, Riding, and Mounted Combat Skills -- ie, the core tracks of our Mounted Combat Program.   For Horsemanship we had Diane Prosser…

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Is Boxing Without Headgear Safer?

Dr. Julian Bailes is a neurosurgeon and a founding member of the Brain Injury Research Institute in Pennsylvania. This year, the International Boxing Association, or AIBA, interviewed him on the topic of concussions and brain injuries in boxing, as it relates to wearing protective headgear. Boxing is one of the four component martial arts of…

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Post-Olympic Sword Press: News for August 2016

“But it must be remembered always that the early masters, professional or amateur, did not regard their art primarily as an exercise, but as a serious preparation for the difficulties their pupils were bound to meet with in after life.” -- Aylward, J.D. The English Master at Arms, 1712 [1]. The Olympics are over, as are the…

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Willpower is for Suckers - Make a Training System to Succeed

Willpower is not enough Any plan that depends on willpower for success is doomed. Success in anything is largely based on rhythm and the ability to take gradual and reliable steps toward your goal. Crunching away at the 10,000 hours of mastery required to become excellent at a skill is not going to come from a…

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Carosella, Last Chance to ...

Online registration closes today for Carosella! As our major event for the year, Carosella is your last (and sometimes only) chance to participate in some workshops and events in 2016, including: Intro to Mounted Combat Horseback Archery Classical Riding Clinics (only 1 space left!) Prix Fiore workshop Bandaging & Equine First Aid Clinics Ballet at the Barn Grooms'…

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