The Science of Bartitsu

Bartitsu is a historical practice, but it is stimulating to study because it is a scientific approach to self-defence from an age of Western science. I don't seek to impose a scientific analysis on top of an ancient tradition, because Bartitsu was founded on the two pillars of sound engineering: Employ proven principles from established…

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Job Posting: Vancouver Sword Academy Seeks Partner to Develop Gift Shop, Discovery Centre, or Café

Academie Duello is one of Vancouver’s largest martial arts schools, and the largest centre dedicated to the study of European swordplay. For this job, we are looking for someone with vision, drive, and know-how. You must also be willing to work for a share of the profits to take the Academie Duello entrance area from its…

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Fight like a Boss ... from Horseback

From Alexander the Great, to the Sultan Mehmed, to Louis XIV of France, monarchs entered battle on the backs of horses.  There are practical reasons for this:  from a horse you can see farther, move faster, and avoid many of the dangers a foot soldier faces.  In addition, the beauty and power of a horse…

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A Month of Action with Film Riot

The team at Film Riot have just finished Action Month, during which they shot several short action films (and a lot of behind-the-scenes footage) with their production company Triune Films. Listen to host Ryan Connolly describe the reasoning behind decisions and choices of equipment made in the early stages of pre-production planning, through the process…

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Seven Ideas for Setting Useful Sword Training Goals

Objective measures can be compelling. They’re easy to inspect and they can allow you to see progress in a way you can graph. However, often people choose the wrong goals to measure and this has a detrimental effect on their development. For example, when a student gets focused on winning or “getting hits”, a few…

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Canne de Combat Video

La Canne de Combat is French for "combat cane" and is distinct from Bartitsu's walking stick self-defense. La Canne Francaise ("French cane") was a branch of savate, and remains a part of some savate schools. Pierre Vigny brought some of the aspects of La Canne to Bartitsu, with his own interpretations and modifications for the…

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Three Effective Focuses for Solo Practice

Even if you’re part of a vibrant school or club and have lots of training partners to practice with, keeping a daily rhythm is an essential part of the path of mastery. That means you’re going to have a lot of solo training occasions to fill. Most partner drills don’t effectively translate into a solitary…

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Conditioning: Warm up to Work

Horsemanship Level 4: Conditioning pt II At the end of April we covered work versus exercise in our Level 4 conditioning topic: 7. Work vs. exercise. Warm-up and cooling out, reasons why. Cooling out was covered in this Level 3 post, so this week we'll look at what constitutes an effective warm up. Just like…

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Romeo and Juliet at Bard 2016

At the top of the year, I was approached to be the fight director for Romeo and Juliet at Bard on the Beach. Kim Collier is directing the play, and liked my work on her Hamlet two years ago. I was very proud of our results in that play, and was eager to put some…

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Recoverable Sword Press: News for May 2016

How much is your sword, armour, or related kit worth to you? ...financially? ...emotionally? ...professionally? Was it a gift? A prize you earned? Looted? Swords are by nature "desirable" -- and not just by the HEMA community. As we can and have read in the "Snippets" section of past editions of Sword Press, swords are not…

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Where's the Fire? A refreshing message from Coach Sommer

“Where’s the Fire?” asked Christopher Sommer in the last moments of a podcast I was listening to last week. Sommer is the Head Coach of the USA JR National Gymnastics Team and runs an online strength training program called Gymnastic Bodies (which is absolutely worth checking out). When I started listening, I anticipated hearing from him…

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