Manoeuvres of the Spear

Blue Spur: Disengages and Slips of the Spear Once you have learned to find, gain, and strike with the spear, we increase the complexity of drills by asking you to: Demonstrate manoeuvres of the spear: disengages, counter-disengages, and slips. Disengage A disengage, or cavazione, is often performed in response to having been found.  In its…

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Instructor Intensive Week in Review

Phew! It’s done! It was indeed an intense but satisfying experience teaching Academie Duello’s first formal, week-long instructor training intensive. From October 26th to 30th, thirteen aspiring instructors joined us here in Vancouver for a five-day, 50-hour intensive to kick off their ongoing instructor training program. Attendees hailed from both our local area (British Columbia's Lower Mainland) as well…

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Habits and Growth

The body does the same things every day: sleep, eat, walk. The mind does different things every day: remembering, planning, having different conversations, seeing changes in the world. The body therefore benefits from novelty. Try a new skill. Eat something from a different culture. The mind benefits from consistency. Meditation at the same hour every…

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Using Curiosity to Stay Slow in Slow Sparring

You already know that I’m an advocate of slow speed fencing. However I also know that slow fencing is often difficult for new adopters who frequently jump in speed and tension as their attention swings around inside the encounter. Today I want to share an idea that can help you stay slow and develop your…

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Gaining Advantage

Blue Spur: Finding & Gaining the Spear Last week we looked at the three advantages of True Edge, Leverage, and Crossing as they apply to the spear or polearm. This week we are examining the mechanics of finding and gaining. Finding the Spear To find your opponent's spear, cross your spear tip over top of…

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Social Media Sword Press: News for October 2015

Pretty but Authentic Blades Doing Ugly but Authentic Things KOTAKU (New York, New York). 26 October 15. How People Actually Fought With Swords. Cédric Hauteville’s Kickstarter-supported HEMA documentary "Back to the Source" is now available on YouTube. “Actual blade combat was messy and nasty, caring less about looking pretty….” Choreography. It’s actually quite boring. EXAMINER.COM (Denver,…

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Practice Sparring and Challenge Sparring

Fencing competitively at all times is tiring and restricting. You cannot view every pass that you have with someone as a life or death encounter. If you do, you’ll never allow yourself to bring new material to bear. Experimentation without consequence is an essential part of opening up your swordplay. It is one of many…

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The Cavaliere Program: Many Goals, Many Routes

There are a multitude of reasons people come to the Cavaliere Program: they always wanted to be a knight; they're bored with the show-ring and want a new equine activity; they want to take their swordfighting to a (literally) higher level; they want to learn about horses and riding; they were horse-crazy kids whose parents…

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