Don't Miss the Best Mounted Combat Weekend this Year!

Wow, Carosella 2019 is this week!  And registration closes tomorrow, Thursday September 26th.  If you've always been meaning to take a course in the Mounted Combat Program this is your absolute best time to do it.  Normally courses like Intro to Mounted Combat and Beginner Horseback Archery are $200 each.  But you can take both…

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Carosella 2019: More Workshops, More Fun!

The Carosella Schedule is coming together and should be in its final form soon.  In the meantime, here are some highlights! Friday 27 September Intro to Mounted Combat Ballet at the Barn Grappling and Pommel Plays Working Equitation Swordplay from the Falsemount Horsemanship Level 1 Mounted Sparring Equine First Aid Beginner Riding Saturday 28 September…

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Working equitation bull

Carosella 2019 is Just a Month Away!

Carosella our three-day multi-disciplinary Mounted Arts symposium is coming up at the end of September.  From the 27th through the 29th, Cornwall Ridge Farm will be host to two full days of workshops, clinics, lectures, and demos, followed by a fun and friendly tournament on Sunday.

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Remember Your Students' Names: Three Tips

At Academie Duello we care both about the process of developing great students but also of creating great teachers. To that end I like to periodically share articles about the process of teaching and learning to teach. Dale Carnegie, in his influential How to Win Friends and Influence People, says "the sweetest sound to anyone…

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East Meets West in our Mounted Combat Program

At the end of July through beginning of August we had another set of students go through our Mounted Combat Intensive.  As always, we held a playday on the last day, but this year we decided to open it up to other riders.  Along with some of our regular participants, we were delighted to be…

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After Fundamentals - Approaching the Green Cord Curriculum

Chances are, if you’re a member of Academie Duello, you started your path to mastery the same way I did: choosing a fundamentals class, learning the basic concepts of your chosen discipline, earning your green cord, and receiving your Academie Duello black binder upon conclusion of the course. Then comes the next step: transitioning from…

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A Language for Fighting

Language is what makes memorization possible. Memorization is what makes analysis and improvement possible. Technical jargon can seem like a burden when you're first learning a martial art. European martial arts in particular have dozens of guard names, positions, attack types, and terms for movements of the sword and body. It can be daunting when…

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Which Sword Though?

If you’re anything like me, then the reason you walked through the door at Duello was probably because you peered through a window one day with childlike wonder, fascinated at the scene before you. Rows of people, faces expressing the same glee I felt, all swinging swords at each other. I remember feeling, with absolute…

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Lord Baltimore's Challenge Logo

Lord Baltimore's Challenge Event Report 2019

At the beginning of July I had the pleasure of once again being a Ring Director, Judge, and Instructor at Lord Baltimore's Challenge in Washington, DC. This event aims to be a meeting of Historical European Martial Arts practitioners from HEMA clubs and from historical re-enactment backgrounds (primarily the Society for Creative Anachronism). The focus…

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