This Week in HEMA Video - 360 Degrees of Awesome

Welcome to the first Historical European Martial Arts Video blog post on the Academie Duello blog! Our new weekly Monday post will feature awesome video content from our school and the broader community. Look forward to sparring videos, performances, great educational content, and more. This Week In Sparring To kick things off with a bang we're…

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Bartitsu and Jeet Kune Do: Part 2

In my last post I wrote about some of the things that Bruce Lee’s martial art of Jeet Kune Do has to offer practitioners of Bartitsu. To be clear, I am not suggesting that Bruce Lee had any knowledge of the articles published by E. W. Barton-Wright, the founder of what we call “canonical Bartitsu”.…

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Collective Sword Press: News for August 2015

The study and appreciation of WMA continues to enjoy a renaissance in Europe and North America; and we are now uniquely fortunate in having a large variety of salles from which to choose to train.  The salles differ in the sword technique favoured, the "olde master" which is followed, how they present their program… and…

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What is Classical Dressage?

'Dressage' simply means 'training'.  The modern sport of dressage consists of tests, which are judged patterns designed to demonstrate a horse's level of training on the flat.  Sport dressage evolved from classical dressage, which in turn evolved from military training exercises. As practioners of mounted combat, it is often useful for us to look to…

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Silver Cord Provost Examination Results

This weekend was a momentous event for Academie Duello: our first Silver Cord (aka Provost) examination. A provost is one step below Maestro/Master and it represents an enormous achievement. Provosts are expected to demonstrate a high level of effectiveness within the school’s system, a demonstrable and defensible understanding of the school's pedagogy and theoretical approach,…

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Bartitsu and Jeet Kune Do: Part 1

Bruce Lee needs little introduction to those who are interested in martial arts. Chances are, readers of this blog have seen at least parts of one or more of his movies. In our classes on pugilism, we sometimes talk about the mechanics of his notorious “1-inch punch” as a way of reminding students to use…

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Women's Only Tournaments

I have loosely followed a couple of different conversations that have touched on this topic within the HEMA community. The first is about a Trans woman who has been denied entry into the Pacific Northwest HEMA gathering Women’s Longsword tournament. (In short on this: I am in support of her inclusion. I think that at best…

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The Knight's Nemesis: Spear

Blue Spur Spear Fundamentals: High and Low Wards A bevy of English longbowmen aside, nothing could make a mounted knight as nervous as a line of  infantry with long spears.  A spear from the ground can equal a sword from horseback in reach, and presents much more of a challenge to a knight than does…

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Boxing and Moving

This week’s post is not about packing up and changing address, even though I will be going on vacation for two weeks. We’re going to take a quick look at movement in the sport of boxing and self-defence other than the straight lines presented in basic pugilism. Reading Material Some of this discussion is a…

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Soft Work -- Be Receptive and Adaptive In Your Practice Sparring

Why go Slow? I have written several posts on the merits of “slow work”, which is the act of fencing at a slow and consistent speed. In summary, slow fencing gives you the opportunity to be more observant of the tactical environment. From this state of greater observance you can move more easily in time with…

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August Clinics

There are just a few Friday clinics left this year.   Don't miss out on these opportunities to learn from different instructors and focus on different areas of your riding and combat skills.  The clinics run from 6pm - 7:30pm every Friday, and the cost is only $60 including use of a school horse.  Plus, if…

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Do It Again

Repeating yourself can be annoying. To remain calm and focused takes mental toughness, but the repetition itself builds your mental resilience. Do it again with the aim to improve. It's especially tough for actors who also have to pretend to be agitated but have the focus and endurance to repeat an emotional scene again and…

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