Book Review: “Polearms of Paulus Hector Mair” by Knight & Hunt

“I shall now consider of Wounds with loss of Substance made by Bill, Pole-axe, etc., some cutting twice or thrice in one or near one place, whereby the Wound is large, traverse, yea and oblique….”  -- Surgeon R. Wiseman, circa 1676. [1] Swords are the preferred weapon in modern Western Martial Arts (WMA), as they have been…

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Mounted Combat from the Ground Up

Mounted Combat Classes This week we're excited to launch a brand new Mounted Combat Class for participants of all levels.  The five-week course will prepare students to take part in our annual tournament at Carosella 2015.  There are two levels to the course: Beginner Participants at this level will practise from the ground and the…

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Bartitsu for Policing and Security

E. W. Barton-Wright wanted “to impart to peacefully disposed [people] the science of defending themselves.” Bartitsu has been used by various groups including police and security forces, as well as Suffragettes who were defending themselves against the police. I've worked in security since 2009, and it is important to follow the Use of Force model…

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Mounted Combat Playday this Sunday

This Sunday from 1 - 4pm the arena at Red Colt will be alive once more with the thunder of hooves, the twang of bowstrings and the clash of swords for our August Playday. Mounted Games Anyone with Riding Level 1 or the equivalent can participate in these non-combative games of speed and skill, such…

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Optimising Your Learning: Blocked and Varied Practice Environments

Learning physical skills is a tricky thing. It’s important as a student that you’re practicing in the most effective and efficient manner for getting results in your desired performance environment (e.g. a duel, a tournament, a melee, etc.). Two Types of Practice There are two primary practice schema that can be applied when acquiring new…

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Horseback Archery at Red Colt this Sunday

The ever-popular Horseback Archery returns to Red Colt this Sunday, July 26th.  We have two workshops with Robert Borsos of Borsos Torzs Horse Archery this weekend.  These workshops are loads of fun, and won't return until Carosella.  Don't miss out -- sign up today! Beginner Horseback Archery Whether you are an expert rider or archer,…

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Best of Vancouver 2015: A call to arms

Every year the Vancouver institution that is the Georgia Straight runs an open poll to determine the "Best of Vancouver" in a variety of different categories, and for many businesses it is the measure of success and recognition in the city. Whereas restaurants and hotels have comprehensively recognised marks of excellence, in a lot of cases…

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What's going on in the field at Red Colt?

What is Fancypants doing lying in the field?  And who are those mysterious characters in black?  To find out you'll have to wait till the next episode of the Vancouver B Movie Factory airs on Shaw TV.  There will be swords, arrows, horses, and Fiore himself in 'The Flower of Battle'. In the meantime ...…

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HEMA Instructor Program Full Details!

The official web page for the Academie Duello Instructor Training Program is now live! This page includes more details about the program, the intensive that starts on October 26th, instructor levels, our methodology, and some sample lesson materials. You can check it out here. Remember that registration opens for a limited time and for a…

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