Stepping up the Single-hand Reining

Riding Level 3: Cantering Single-handed For Riding Levels 1 and 2 you have already been asked to demonstrate single-handed reining at walk and trot respectively, so the next logical step at Level 3 is 11. Single hand reining: walk, trot and canter. The mechanics are the same, so first go and review these posts on…

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Paul Dennhardt on Stage Combat

In the article linked below, Paul Dennhardt, a theatre professor at the College of Fine Arts of Illinois State University, explains important aspects of stage combat that should be understood by everyone in theatre by now. Sadly, most productions still don’t know where to begin with a sword fight, or what the process involves, but…

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Archival Sword Press: News for May 2015

Within Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA), our serious scholars often suspect that our community suffers to an unknown degree from ‘lost treasures’.  Precious books, scrolls, weapons and armour are frequently believed to have fallen to the decaying effects of time. Poor storage, war,  long winters (think fireplace fuel), flood, fire, and hoarding in private collections are just some examples of the natural…

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Pursuing the Ridiculously Challenging

“Alright, the next drill is even more difficult!” I said to a chorus of groans. It’s accuracy night in line drills and I have been progressively making each drill more challenging. Each target is increasingly smaller, requiring that much more precision. The drills have essentially moved into a realm where even the most experienced students are…

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Drill Teamwork

Riding Level 3: Drill Manoeuvres From Roman cavalry, to mediaeval heavy lance, to early modern light horse, mounted warriors have needed the ability to ride in organized formations, and exercises for training groups of riders have existed since Xenophon.  You can still see the modern equivalent in drill team exhibitions and our own RCMP Musical…

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Indian Clubs and Maces

If you enjoy training with Indian clubs but you’d like some more variety and challenge, the next stage is the Gada mace. Indian Clubs | Suria Akhara GADA Mace TrainingWatch this video on YouTube The two-handed grip for the “360” is more common among Western enthusiasts, and a great place to start to learn control…

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Don't Get Hung Up on Perfect Practice

There is an interesting phrase pair I have been hearing from a lot of instructors recently. I hear: “Practice makes perfect." Then an admonishment: “No. Practice makes permanent. So make sure you don’t practice poorly!" The first is a message of hope and resilience. If you practice and stay the course, you can find mastery.…

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A Taste of the Renaissance - Week 2

I watched no martial arts movies over the weekend, which would be unusual except for the fact that it is hockey season. Now there’s some interesting martial arts for you -- I wonder if those hockey sticks are as well balanced as my rapier! I find myself really looking forward to Class 3. The only…

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Between the Moves

What does it mean to make acting decisions in a fight scene? Being angry or frightened or stone-faced during a sequence of moves is perhaps the only thing you can maintain besides the accuracy of your fight choreography. However, there is so much more you can do before the first move and between phrases when…

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Book Review: "Warhammer, the Forgotten Weapon" by James Roth

♪"Stop, Hammer time!"♫ (Apologies to MC Hammer.) What is a cultural ‘artistic’ reference in our time, was an invitation to ‘bring it’ in medieval times. For nearly two centuries, the warhammer was a weapon of choice for mounted medieval armoured combat. However, there seems to be a distinct lack of (recorded) knowledge of the fighting techniques…

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