Swings and Roundabouts

Riding Level 3:  Circles and Turns The fifth item on the Riding Level 3 checklist is: 5. Circles and turns at trot with correct diagonal changes. You have already demonstrated circles and half-circles at walk and trot for Level 2, and before you test Level 3 you should review that material, making sure you know…

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Ready for Prime Time Sword Press: News for Mar 6th 2015

Fifteen years ago we would have been hard pressed to read about swordplay in any newspaper – and the only reference to the art on television would have been clips of sword fighting (of a sort) from that year's 'sword and sandals' blockbuster. Nowadays, swordplay events, educational initiatives and salle training are ‘normal’ fare for…

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Exercise Your Mind When You Can't Exercise Your Body

You’re injured, you’re sick, you’re exhausted. Does this mean that practicing the art you are passionate about is out for today? Not necessarily. There are many ways to explore a physical skill without twitching a muscle… well, perhaps a little muscle twitching. 1. Read Reading a book on swordplay can expand your theoretical knowledge, challenge…

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Why Front Headlocks Fail

The front headlock is a very common position that occurs in many forms of wrestling. It is so instinctual that many children use it in play fighting without ever having seen it before. Although there are two directions for "chancery" in bare-knuckle boxing, the front headlock is by far the most common. Despite the popularity,…

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The Black History of Historical European Martial Arts

  Portrait of an African Nobleman (circa 1525 Netherlands) pictured with arming sword   I have often stated that we frequently make the mistake of thinking about European, Asian and African nations and cultures as being mutually exclusive groups. It is true that we live in a modern era where cultural diversity and integration have changed worldwide.…

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The Value of a Symmetrical Learning Environment

When you choose to dedicate a significant portion of your life to acquiring an art, there are two primary types of martial learning environment in which you must spend time. One would be a symmetrical environment, where your training and sparring partners are doing (or trying to do) the same thing as you. The other is an asymmetrical environment, where…

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Shifting Gears

Riding Level 3: Effective Transitions As a beginning rider you drove with an automatic transmission.  You knew 'go' and 'whoa', and, if you were lucky, somewhere in there was 'slow'.  As your riding has improved you have gained the ability to use at least three different gaits and make accurate transitions between them. At level…

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Beginning Swordplay, Part 2

Week two of classes began with my getting ill, and subsequently missing the next class. We had been assured at the beginning of the course, however, that there were multiple catch-up options. I was easily able to arrange a half-hour session before the beginning of the Wednesday class to cover what I had missed through my convalescence.…

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