A Stable Situation: needs and habits of the horse

Horsemanship Level 1: Stabling Aside from food, which was covered in last week’s post, a horse needs shelter and security.  These topics are both covered in the linked blog posts. For the Horsemanship 1 test we ask about Stabling: needs and habits of the horse Along with reference to food, secure fencing, and shelter, we…

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What’s on the Menu? Feeding Your Horse

Horsemanship Level 1: Basic Feeding First of all, go and re-read this post on my own blog, which covers basic feeding.  There is an entire science to equine nutrition, but for Horsemanship level 1 test we ask specifically about: Basic feeding: succulents, grain, roughage & water And here are the short answers we’re looking for.…

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Taking it off: Untacking your Horse

Horsemanship Level 1: Untacking After your ride, the work’s not done.  All that tack has to come off and your horse needs to be groomed again.  The next part of our Horsemanship Level 1 checklist is  Untack & clean bit Once more we’ll join Ali & Noah, for a great video: Although quite complete for…

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Winnipeg Event Report: Only a Flesh Wound

A week ago I had the distinct pleasure to be part of Winnipeg's first international tournament and workshop event, enjoyably titled: It's Only A Flesh Wound! This event was hosted by Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy headed by Chad McFarland with support from Winnipeg's two other HEMA groups, Winnipeg Broadsword (Jay Maas) and Winnipeg…

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Jump into Summer: Riding Classes for Everyone

Whether you're just starting out, or wanting to take your riding to the next level there's a course to jumpstart your summer riding at Cornwall Ridge Farm!  Saturday afternoon / evening classes start June 1st and include the return of our ever-popular Jumping Level 3 and Level 4+.  As well we have a Riding 1-2…

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Tacking Up Your Horse | Academie Duello

Another Tacky Post: tacking up your horse

Now that we know the names of all those pieces of leather and metal that make up a horse’s tack, we need to know how to put them on correctly. Tack up (may be assisted) ‘May be assisted’ means that for Horsemanship level 1 you should know the correct method of tacking up.  If you…

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Symposium Wrap-up

Well it's been nearly a month since the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium (VISS) took place at the Richmond Oval and I'm finally free to write a bit about what happened and how it went! This was our fifth bi-annual event and each time it comes around it provides new adventures and opportunities for both its…

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On the Right Tack: parts of the saddle and bridle

As with points of the horse, the nomenclature of the saddle and bridle varies from the obscure to the obvious.  Item number 6 on the Horsemanship 1 test is: Identify simple parts of saddle and bridle Parts of the English Saddle and Bridle While it may seem a nuisance to memorize these terms, it is…

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Mounted Combat from the Comfort of Home

Half a year in and we are loving our wonderful new facilities at Cornwall Ridge Farm!  However, we realize not everyone can make it out to beautiful Langley BC to train with us in person.  Which is why we are planning to start making some of our course content available online.  I've got tonnes of…

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The Well-Groomed Horse

Horsemanship Level 1: Grooming Grooming the horse is one of the most important skill sets a rider needs to have.  It allows you to check your horse for injuries, helps increase the circulation to his skin and muscles, prevents chafing from dirt under the tack, improves his appearance, and provides valuable bonding time. As you…

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Top 10 Reasons to Hook your Kid on Horses

As the weather improves and the end of the school year gets closer you may be looking for ways to get your kids out and moving.  Here are ten great reasons to enroll them in riding lessons. Physical exercise. Riding, grooming, mucking out stalls, and hauling bales of hay is hard work!  Your child will…

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