The Halberd & The Poleaxe: learn the uses of this versatile battlefield weapon

  The halberd, a combination of spear, hook, and axe, is one of the most deadly weapons of the battlefield.  It also provides one of the best full-body workouts of any weapon of war from history to modern times.  It is also one of my personal favourite weapons. After Jason Smith from Les Maitres d'Armes came…

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Healthy as a Horse

Horsemanship Level 3: Signs of Good Health Item 9 on the Horsemanship Level 3 checklist is: 9. Signs of good health, TPR, maintenance of health, signs of colic. This is a fairly large topic, so I'm breaking it into two posts.  Today, we'll look at signs of health.  There are many, but you'll only have…

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Savate in Bartitsu

You have two hands to punch and grab, and two legs to kick with. Kicking is common in many martial arts from the Eastern Hemisphere, but most are unaware of the foot-centric Western Martial Art that is still practiced today called savate. The third week of our introduction to Bartitsu adds kicking to our arsenal.…

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Badass Babes with Bows | Academie Duello

Badass Babes with Bows -- Woman Archers from Mythology to the Silver Screen

Over the last few years we have seen an upswing of archery featured in film and fiction.  We have the zombie-killing archer Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead--and of course, who can forget Oliver Queen from the hit show Arrow--but men haven't been the only ones hitting bull's-eyes with bows and arrows. The Hunger Games:…

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Are your hips holding you back?

Working at the front desk of the world’s largest western swordfighting school for half a year has led me to observe something. When it comes to most weapons and styles, people have preferences that are based on a number of different factors, ranging from their training background to their childhood fantasies. Generally speaking no one seems to particularly dislike one…

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They Also Served

Today as we remember those soldiers who have sacrificed their limbs and lives in war, remember also the horses, donkeys and mules who went with them.  Over 8 million equines died in the first World War.  The horse has been at our side through almost all the wars of human history.  No other animal has…

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Special One-Day Workshop with Luis Preto!

This week, we are thrilled to have Academie Duello play host to internationally acclaimed, award-winning martial artist and author Luis Preto.  Luis will be teaching a 25-hour, week-long intensive on the Portuguese stick fighting martial art Jogo do Pau. Many people were unable to find the time to convince their employers to give them a week off…

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Breaking Swords and Other Catastrophes

Panic! Something went horribly wrong in your stage fight. First off, assess the situation. "Horribly" is a matter of perspective: serious injuries can happen, which is truly the worst-case scenario. Problems with a fight scene might derail a performance, which can seem catastrophic, but should be handled calmly. Let's take a look at broken swords and…

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Taking on a Ridiculous Challenge May be Easier Than a Small One

Sometimes a lot of failure can be easier to deal with than a little. Failing at something that you feel you "should" be able to do can have some sting to it. Failing at something that is downright "impossible" to do is expected and can thus seem less risky from a psychological or social perspective.…

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Cool Down

Horsemanship Level 3: Coolout Procedures Just like you, your horse needs to cool down gradually after strenuous exercise to avoid stiffness.  Unlike you, your horse, with his larger mass to surface area ratio, is especially prone to overheating.  A very hot horse that isn't allowed to cool down properly could go into shock, colic, or…

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My Hands Are Not Invincible

This post was originally published on the Terminal City Duellist blog. A few years ago, Luis Preto was living in Vancouver, getting his Masters in Coaching Sciences at the University of British Columbia, and stopping by Academie Duello every week or so to get some practice time in with either myself or the school's director, Devon Boorman,…

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Pugilism in Bartitsu

Defending against a punch is a priority for many people when learning self-defence. We are aware both instinctually and through the media that an unarmed person can lash out with a fist and knock out teeth or render a victim unconscious with a blow to the head. Our second beginner's lesson in the Bartitsu program…

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