The Walking Dead: What Weapons Would Western Martial Artists Use Against Walkers?

It’s that time of year again.  Autumn is in the air and today is Hallowe'en!  For the past few weeks, shops have been filling their windows with jack-o-lanterns, mannequins have been dressed in spooky costumes, and cheap candy seems to be on the shelves at every grocery store. We also saw the season 5 premiere…

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Combat Auditions

You want to get action hero roles, so you're going to audition. There are two types of audition in today's industry for a casting director to get a first look at you: a live audition or a taped one. This week, we'll discuss the difference between a taped audition and a reel, and some tips…

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The Complete Grooming

Horsemanship Level 3 - Grooming For Horsemanship Levels 1 and 2 you needed to show how to use the basic grooming kit, which included the hoof pick, curry comb, dandy brush and body brush.  For Level 3 you need to demonstrate: 7. Use and knowledge of full grooming kit First of all, to review your…

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Be As Resilient as a Child When Dealing with Failure

Today while teaching a class on falling I had a funny exchange with one of my students; we talked about how much toddlers fall down in the process of learning to walk and be stable. Each time they fall, they get right back up again. Generally there’s no crying or interruption, except if they’re tired…

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Jujitsu in Bartitsu

In 1898, E.W. Barton-Wright combined his own name with the term "jujitsu" to describe his new hybrid self-defense system: Bartitsu, the first martial art to combine Asian and European fighting styles. Over a century since its creation, many people recognize immediately that Bartitsu is known for cane fighting and that Sherlock Holmes stories feature his…

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Jogo do Pau intensive

Guest Blog Post on Jogo do Pau from Luis Preto

This is a special guest blog post from the internationally acclaimed, award-winning martial artist and author Luis Preto, who will be talking about his upcoming week-long intensive workshop on Jogo do Pau. Greetings everyone! Regarding the upcoming course at Academie Duello, I’d like to start by stating that I am very excited about this project. Not…

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Training Out the Fight-or-Flight Response in Sparring

I have just delivered an easy thrust toward my student’s chest. It is the action that she has been setting herself up to take advantage of, but, for the third time, instead of deflecting my sword aside and striking with a counter attack, she has thrown her weapons sharply to the side. This panicked movement has left…

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Intro Courses beginning late October/ early November

Because winter is coming, our next round of Beginner's Courses are just around the corner! Prepare for winter by swinging swords and pulling punches. We offer three different courses which cover different aspects of Western Martial Arts: Fight Like Sherlock Holmes Bartitsu is a complex martial art with many interlocking skills. Our four-week Fight Like Sherlock Holmes course…

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Bits and (Mouth)pieces

Horsemanship Level 3: Bits As well as knowing your own horse's tack, at level 3 you will need to: 5.   Identify common bits and their uses You only need to know common English bits including snaffles, curbs and pelhams.  However, it's good to recognize some Western bits as well, simply for familiarity. Snaffles Our school…

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Halloween Horses

It's that time of year again.  The leaves on the trees are changing colours then falling to the ground; pumpkin-flavoured everything is in stores; the smell of mulch and woodsmoke are in the evening air; and retail stores are flooding the aisles with Hallowe'en costumes galore!  People aren't the only creatures gearing up for a…

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The Right Fit

Horsemanship Level 3: Saddlery As a Level 2 Horseman you were asked to be able to tack up independently with properly adjusted tack.  For the most part this entails doing up the girth and throatlatch to the holes that show the most wear on your horse's saddle.  If everything else is straight and in the…

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