FDC Nationals 2014

Each summer, Fight Directors Canada, the national certification body for stage combat, holds an intensive workshop at which students can earn their next level of certification. It is attended by as many Fight Masters as possible, including international guests. For those living in places other than the big theatre centres in Canada, it may be…

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Prix Fiore Workshop this Friday

What is Prix Fiore? ‘Prix Fiore’ is a term coined by Academie Duello and refers to a dressage test that includes sword forms. The Prix Caprilli is a dressage test with jumps, named for Federico Caprilli, innovator of the modern jumping seat. With the Prix Fiore (named for Fiore dei Liberi, author of the 14th…

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The Short Fall: Falling from the Falsemount

If you are going to spend any time on horseback one thing is guaranteed:  at some point you will fall off.  This is inevitable, and most horse-wisdom agrees that you must eat dirt a minimum number of times before you're considered a rider.  One way to make this inevitability less traumatic, both physically and mentally,…

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Why is Violence Fun?

Hitting things is usually satisfying. Watching a villain get away is stressful because we want to see the hero fight him into submission, and if he’s a murderer, we’ll root for the hero to kill him in revenge. Violent video games are best-sellers. Let’s not deny that if you practice swordplay or stage combat, you…

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Changes to Mounted Games Practice Nights

As predicted this summer's schedule in the Cavaliere program is a little wibbly-wobbly, but I will do my best to keep this blog up to date with the most recent information. Instead of weekly Mounted Games Practices on Fridays at 5-7pm, we will use this time slot for varied activites (including games practices).  Here is…

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Bartitsu Reading List

By popular demand, here is a list of books on Bartitsu: The Bartitsu Compendium I & II edited by Tony Wolf Sherlock Holmes School of Self-Defence by Ivy Press Related Period Material: The Secrets of Jujitsu by Re-Nie Jiu Jitsu and Other Methods of Self Defense by Percy Longhurst Boxing by R.G. Allanson-Winn Scientific Boxing…

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Devon's visit to the School of European Swordsmanship in Helsinki

This past weekend I was in Helsinki Finland visiting Guy Windsor’s School of European Swordsmanship. It was the last stop on my teaching tour of Europe and a very nice place to make my last major visit before coming home. On Saturday both Guy and I travelled to Tampere, about 2-hours North of Helsinki for…

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Digging Up Historical Sword Press

‘Will you please pick that up Hagar!  I swear, someday you’re going to forget where you put it down and somebody is going to trip over it and hurt themselves!’ As interesting as swords found in archaeological excavations are, we’re near always left wondering … “Just how did that sword come to be left there”?…

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My Experience at the HEMAC-Dijon Swordplay Conference

A weekend ago I attended the HEMA gathering in Dijon, France. This is one of the oldest events in Europe and has grown from a small gathering of friends to a very large gathering of friends. This was my first time being at the event and it was a pleasure being there as an instructor…

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Coming Up: Conditioning and Foundational Movement Skills Seminar!

Riddle me this: what would you say is your primary weapon? If you said longsword, rapier, sidesword... sorry, but in swordplay, your body is actually the most crucial part of your martial practice! It's what makes it possible to then train with or without other weapons. We oil our swords, but what about basic body…

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Disarms from the Falsemount

Just as grappling can be done from the saddle, so can disarms.  For the Blue Spur you will need to show how to: Conduct three disarms from the falsemount at the halt and in motion "In motion" means at the walk.  Disarms are typically conducted when riders are at a standstill or their horses are…

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