Defending from the Mount

The second checklist item in the Swordplay from the Falsemount section is: Demonstrate proper defences and counter-attacks to all attacks from in-front on the far and near side. In this section we are looking for the ability to deal with descending, rising, and horizontal attacks on either side of the horse, performing core defences of…

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Easter Hunt Sword Press

We seem to have a large number of peers engaged in some Easter-season hunt – be it for a new skill, a new experience, an old blade or even a national ranking!  If ever you wondered if HEMA/WMA was just this seasons’ ‘flash in the pan’, We think that this weeks’ offering should demonstrate that…

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Fun for the Whole Family with Introduction to Swordplay for Youth and Families

  Spring is here and it is not just the bees that have started buzzing.  The city is filled with flowers and blooming trees as we are treated by pink petal cherry blossoms that dance down to the ground covering the sidewalks.  The weather is inspiring parents and children to get out of the house…

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Spring has Sprung Sword Press

For those of Us in Upper Canada that have recently dug out of a long winter, only to face the return of sub-zero temperatures tomorrow evening, We really envy those in the community that can practice their arts outdoors year round.  Australia particularly. On the other hand, there is something to be said for one…

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Swordplay from the Falsemount

Blue Spur Curriculum: Cutting from the Falsemount What is a falsemount? Our falsemounts are simply wooden horses from which we can safely work on perfecting techniques with steel weapons without the distraction of an animal with a mind of it's own, or the worry of injuring it.  Falsemounts don't buck, bite or bolt, and most…

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Court of Public Opinion Sword Press

Swords in public venues?  Under the right conditions, the public will flock (and sometimes pay) to see your historical swordplay demonstration or visit a historical exhibition of swords.  But, display those very same blades in a park or dimly-lit alley, and the public reaction is apt to be significantly different – notwithstanding your best and…

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Photos and Comments From the Duelling Arts Rapier Tournament

Last Friday night Academie Duello and the Social Concierge hosted an elegant tournament and demonstration of swordplay at the Vancouver Club in downtown Vancouver.  The evening involved performances from the Vancouver Opera, Champagne Sabreing with various historical swords, a beautiful decked out ballroom, and an invitational rapier tournament of Academie Duello's senior students. The event,…

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