Bird Taming and Training Returns to Duello with a Twist

This Spring Academie Duello is bringing our Falconry program back! With a pirate twist! Academie Duello’s Parrot Taming and Training program is under development with our first course to be offered in June. Advanced registration will be opening up next week. Details to be announced. About the Program’s Origins For many centuries, the taming and…

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What is Teamwork?

Human cooperation is a wonderful thing, and it’s my belief that cooperation is the singular reason why humanity has thrived. Although a single performer can put on a one-man show, theatre is most often a group effort. Filmmaking is nearly always done in teams. How do you fit into a team? What makes a good…

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Finding Your Centre - The Day Before the Tournament

This afternoon we finished up our final day of training for the Duelling Arts Rapier Tournament at the Vancouver Club. This is part tournament and part spectacle; a hand picked roster of 8 senior Duello students will be fencing in a series of matches over the course of an evening of fine dining and cocktails,…

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Mounted Archery Returns to Red Colt

We're thrilled to welcome back Robert Borsos of Borsos Torsz Horse Archery Club to teach two workshops on Saturday May 3rd: Horseback Archery - Beginner In this three hour workshop you will spend an hour and a half on the ground learning the fundamentals and body mechanics of Hungarian style horse archery.  You will then…

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Spring Is Springing and A New Intro to Mounted Combat Is Beginning!

The weather is getting warmer, the horses are shedding their Winter coats, the days are getting longer and brighter, and Academie Duello along with Red Colt Equestrian Farm Co-op are gearing up for our next Introduction to Mounter Combat workshop. Experience the childhood fantasy of being a knight as you take the first step into…

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Start at the Beginning: April Courses at Academie Duello

Our next round of Beginner's Courses are just around the corner! Celebrate the start of Spring by swinging swords and pulling punches. We offer three different courses which cover different avenues of Western Martial Arts: Fight Like Sherlock Holmes Bartitsu is a complex martial art with many interlocking skills. Our four-week Fight Like Sherlock Holmes course…

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Be Disarming

Swordplay from the Ground: Armed Grapples and Disarms Sometimes, despite having a yard of steel in hand, the best option is not to "stick'em with the pointy end."  Whether its because you are too close for blade play, or because you're worried that slicing your opponent open will devalue him on the ransom market, the…

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Facts and Foibles from History Channel's Series "Vikings"

Everybody is talking about season 2 of Vikings which premiered on History Channel just a few weeks ago.  Loosely based on the famous Norse saga known as the Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok, which was a sequel to the Völsung Saga, the series has gathered quite a following and various blogs and social media sites are a buzz…

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Frustration is a Natural Part of Learning

Have you ever experienced a supreme frustration with learning? The feeling that you’re just not getting something; that a concept or technique is just beyond your reach and challengingly so or perhaps just not coming fast enough? This state of frustration is a core and natural part of the learning process. I don’t know that…

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Riding out the Silly Season

In the media summer is the silly season, but in the northern hemisphere of the equine world, March is prime time for goofy, bizarre, and downright alarming horse behaviour.  So this week we'll take a break from swordplay and wrestling to tackle the question of how to ride those spooks. Staying in the Saddle There's…

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Never Fully Resolved Sword Press

We’re always fascinated by the variety and complexity of the different styles and techniques of historical swordplay that are being rediscovered and explored by our HEMA/WEMA peers. But a part too long neglected, is what happens when two historically-compatable but regionally separate styles meet? Let’s take the year 1550 as an example …  An elder…

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