Shedding Season*

*Forgive the pun.  I know all you horsemen out there are eagerly looking forward to this type of shedding: For that you'll have to wait for Mother Nature's good graces.  Today though, we're looking at Swordplay from the Ground: Shedding the Blade The Blue Spur curriculum requires you to Demonstrate shedding the sword while standing…

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Women - Don't Give Em Attitude Sword Press

Talhoffer takes the Train DER KURIER (Vienna, Austria) 07 February 14 Rapier, Säbel und Pluderhose: Fechten wie die Musketiere (Anna-Maria Bauer) Dreynschlag, one of the 20 historical fencing groups in Austria, hosted 200 of their peers during  their 10th annual "Dreyn Event" in Brigittenau. Combatants learned new skills and competed in rapier, sabre and pole-arms…

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The Road to Mastery is 25% Technical, 75% Mental

When I look at my pursuit of mastery and proficiency in the various arts of my life I see more clearly now that truly a very small percentage of what is between me and mastery (meaning a high level of proficiency) is technical ability. Obviously technical ability is essential to mastery but the barriers that…

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The Three Turns of the Sword - Blue Spur

Swordplay from the Ground: turns of the sword In the Green Spur checklist we ask you to demonstrate the three turns of the sword, ie, the volta stabile, the mezza volta and the tutta volta.  These are described in this post from last year, so first go back and familiarize yourself with the turns. For…

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Unusual Duels: Five Strange, Bizarre and Hilarious Fights from History

There have been some strange duels fought throughout the course of history.  Some of them seem outright ridiculous, others downright hilarious.  From dueling dogs, billiard balls, and boys in the buff, here are some of the most bizarre fights found in history.    Man vs Man's Best Friend   In France, a very interesting judicial…

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Special Guest Workshop & Lecture with Greg Mele

  We are delighted to have a special guest instructor coming to Duello on February 21st to 23rd. Join the Dean and Founder of the Chicago Swordplay Guild and co-owner of Forteza Fitness, Greg Mele, as he takes you through the rich system of Fiore's Armizare, the medieval Italian Martial art that Academie Duello's curriculum is…

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Winning the Crossing

Blue Spur Curriculum: Swordplay from the Ground The Mounted Combat checklist for the Blue Spur has five sections: Swordplay from the ground Swordplay from the falsemount Spear fundamentals Mounted games Knowledge In the next few months on the Tuesday blog we'll be covering the checklists for the first two sections, looking at the swordplay requirements…

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Hands-free riding

Riding Level 2: Riding without the reins At famous Cadre Noir school of equitation in Saumur France, riders are put on horseback on long reins or the longeline for two years before they are allowed to pick up the reins.  This insures they have a completely independent seat.  Most of our students do not have…

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Digging Up Some Sword Press

When culling the many sword-related press items that one finds when searching for those rare columns featuring things-HEMA/WEMA; one has to wade through a lot of lines about sports teams ‘putting the loser to the sword’; and politicians ‘jousting’ for advantage.  Even when you discover a title that gives you three, potential medieval-themed words in…

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Toughing it Out, Switching Gears, and Taking a Break

I had a terrible night dancing just recently. A night where I felt completely disconnected from dancing - something that I truly am passionate about. I felt awkward, bored, frustrated, and completely in my head; disconnected from my whole. This is not a new feeling. I have experienced this before with swordplay. It’s something that…

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