Violent Stories

Safety. Simulation. Storytelling. These are the three pillars of stage combat. The first two cover all the individual skills we learn, from punches and hair-pulls to sword thrusts and zombie-slaying, every move must combine two factors: It must be safe for everyone involved: operator, victim, close-by actors and technicians, and audience. It must believably resemble…

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P's & Q's of the Riding Ring

Riding Level 2: Ring Etiquette Just like the theatre, dining room and public road, the riding arena has its own, often unspoken, rules of conduct.  Unlike the question of which fork to use for salad, arena rules are there for safety.  In your level 2 riding test we want you to: 14. Demonstrate safety and…

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Dropped Sword Press

We have just realized that due to our dotage, We’ve been alternating Our title between ‘Sword News’ and ‘Sword Press’ … it supposed to be ‘Press’. That is all. And you kids … get off my lawn! Dang nabbit!   New Year, New Skills. CHICAGOIST (Illinois) 08 Janury 14  The 5 Most Unusual Workouts In…

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Nine Ridiculous Weapons in Games, Cartoons, Film and Fiction

It is called a “fantasy” world for good reason.  When we turn to the fantasy genre when we play games, go to a movie, or read a book, we’re not looking for reality.  We’re looking to escape the world of the mundane and enter into a universe where anything can be possible.  However, sometimes it…

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Raison d'être of Sword News

The Academie Duello ‘Sword News’ has been a personal labour of love (maybe love of labour at times) since June 2009.  After a variety of issues, We decided that for the most part, the Sword News would now concentrate on posting items originating within the ‘traditional’ commercial press that cover HEMA/WMA events; activities related to…

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Introductory Courses for the New Year at Academie Duello

With 2014 now upon us many people are looking at their New Year's resolutions.  Almost every person I know has something on that list pertaining to trying something new as well as improving their health and fitness.  One of the great things about Academie Duello is that with the new year brings a new set…

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Christmas Clashes Sword Press

Christmas-time traditions differ across the world.  In Russia, December appears to be the time when you get together with good friends and exchange carefully selected and personally delivered blows across their armoured body!  There is a lot of Russian press and blog activity which leads Us to believe that the winter season is when Our…

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