Modern Scottish Sword Press

No points, just press. Oh wait!  I just thought of … ah rats!  Too late! … .. .   Choose Your Weapon … as long as its Scottish! EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS (Scotland, UK) 17 October 13  Sword fencing maestro revives old techniques (Dale Miller) Let’s see now … let’s check the armory … Scottish broadswords,…

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October 27 Cavaliere Class Postponed

A quick heads up to let you know the Cavaliere class scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled, and another class added at the end of the cycle on November 24th.  The new schedule is: Class 2: November 10th Class 3: November 17th Class 4 & assessments: November 24th If you have already registered for…

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AD's Kimberleigh Roseblade featured in Vancouver Courier today.

Check out our very own Kimberleigh Smithbower-Roseblade in the sports section of the Vancouver Courier today.  If you don't live in Vancouver or shun the papery stuff you can check the article out on their website. The article tells the story of Kim's recent trip down to Mississippi where she worked with our friends at…

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Start Something New this November

Autumn has descended on Vancouver, and whether you're looking for something to shake off the rainy doldrums or a different way to stay active indoors, look no father than Academie Duello. We now offer three unique Beginner's Courses, each an affordable $99 (+tax)! Fight Like Sherlock Holmes Bartitsu is a complex martial art with many…

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October Workshop Highlights: Umbrellas, Knives and Bows

This Autumn, dare to try something new, push the limits of your practice, and explore new passions! Our Fall season is packed full of workshops that will challenge your mind and body while having fun. Here's a look at of few of our upcoming workshops in October: Umbrella Self-Defence Learn to fend off ruffians and…

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What to expect in Cavaliere class

So you've signed up for a series of four Cavaliere classes, and really all you know is you'll be out at Red Colt for three and a half hours doing something with horses and swords.  But how exactly does a Cavaliere Class unfold? Students in the Cavaliere classes are divided into groups based on their…

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Largely Ignored Sword Press

We’re always a touch perplexed when We search the Italian (and Spanish) press for HEMA/WMA related items – they’re few and far between, notwithstanding what appears to be very active swordplay communities there.  And given that most of our Renaissance techniques and studies centre on the fight books of those two nations, it’s inexplicable why…

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Duello.TV October 7: Offhand, Rapier Voids, Broad Guard, Defeating Longsword Porta di Ferro

Greetings everyone!    It's the second week of October and the tracks of awesome swordplay continue, though one of them is only a slightly different course than last week.  Greg and I posted up videos for Rapier Cutting for Green Cord (level 1) but as many of you let us know, that was completely incorrect.…

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Autumn at Red Colt

The geese are flying overhead, the days are getting shorter and the horses' coats are getting longer.  But that won't keep us out of the saddle!  In fact, our Mounted Combat weather luck has reasserted itself, and we had an absolutely gorgeous balmy day for riding and swinging swords last Sunday.  However, there are a…

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Little Bits of Sword Press

“It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information”.  Oscar Wilde We’ve nothing significant in HEMA/WMA press this week … so we’ll go straight to the Snippets.  And hopefully, we’ll find some small note that is worthy of the time you spent visiting this weeks’ page.   Snippets A Little…

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All-Weather Knights: Carosella 2013

Until this weekend we had an unbroken streak of good weather for Mounted Combat.  In the two years we've been running the Mounted Combat workshops we've had stunningly good weather, with maybe a sprinkle of rain at the beginning or end of the day.  However, when our weather luck failed, it failed spectacularly, and chose…

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