Striking from the Saddle

The final item on the Green Spur checklist is: Describe the mechanics required to keep your seat when striking from horseback. And here we come back to that Independant Seat once more.  It keeps cropping up because it is probably the most important component not just of mounted combat, but of all your riding endeavours. …

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Video Lessons: Rapier Cutting Mechanics, Sidesword Provocations, Quarterstaff Postures, Longsword Tempo II

We have a quadruple threat this month: Rapier, Sidesword, Longsword, and Quarterstaff. Yes some of our most senior students at Academie Duello in Vancouver are having their minds overloaded as they move through a day of classes -- now it's your turn at home to enjoy the same overwhelming sensation. Longsword Focus This week…

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Turn your Guard Dog into En-guard Dog!

Academie Duello is proud to announce a new program to take place at our Vancouver location starting this month. The En-guard program is a specialty dog training program based on the 1461 Hundekämpfe manuscript. I'm excited because this is one of the first times that we'll be drawing from German sources. Dogs were used by many European…

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Symbolic Sword Press II

Luddites, ala lantern!  We’ll try posting this again after being beat-up by technology … a week late.  And we'll catch-up later this week if one of my peer's leaves me a space. There’s nothing this (last) week on WMA/HEMA; but we do have a wealth of links highlighting swords as symbols: of history; of trust; or honour;…

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Throws: Traditional, Judo and Otherwise

The traditional throws of Judo and Jujitsu are covered in many sources online. Although in Bartitsu class we never use the Japanese terms, we perform many of these throws. As an evolving mixed martial art for self-defense, Neo-Bartitsu also borrows from other traditions for the best combination of techniques, especially in the tricky realm of…

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Video Lessons: Rapier & The True Fight, Defeating the Offhand/Dagger, Rapier & Cloak Specialty Plays, Longsword Tempos

We're into the closing topics of the month. In Green Cord we're looking at the fundamental strategy for rapier combat: the True Fight. In Blue Cord we are countering defences of the offhand, and at Red Cord we're making some tricky plays with the cloak and then defeating them. In our longsword focus classes we…

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Video Lessons: Rapier Stringere, Quinta & Sesta Guards, Rapier & Cloak, Longsword Finestra Defenses

This week on Duello.TV it's time to do some longsword catch-up!  We missed a couple weeks of longsword, so now we're going to give you a couple weeks worth of focus class content all on the topic of the window guard.  We're also moving into the topics of constraint with the sword (green), constraining with…

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