We interrupt our schedule of educational posts once more to let you know there are only three days left to take advantage of the Cavaliere Program's Shedding Season Special! Sign up for any number of the following classes, workshops or packages before March 1st and receive a 10% discount: Intro to Mounted CombatMounted Combat WorkshopMounted…
Video Lessons: Defeating the Offhand, Sidesword High Guards, Longsword Centre Guards, Giving and Taking Hits
How do you get around that pesky offhand? What do you do when your sword is in a high posture? When your point is on the centreline, how do you exploit the advantages and mitigate the weaknesses? This week on Duello.TV we explore these questions with the rapier, sidesword, and longsword as well as looking…
Lost in London (again) Sword Press
This week We see more sword-history being debated, more examples of the juxtaposition of honour and modern sword-culture, and are (again) reminded that HEMA-WMA has no weaker sex. Oh yes, ‘and if you read this item right now, We’ll link you to what could be the next Starfrit™ Handy-Dandy Bottle opener’! Good for the…

Trailer Ricochet: Iron Man 3
Here begins a new series on the PlayFighting blog: I'm going to take a trailer for an upcoming action movie, and pair it with footage and commentary from its predecessors. The trajectory may bounce around a bit, but in the collateral damage you'll have a better idea about the potential of the upcoming action film.…
Video Lessons: Playing from Sword to Offhand, Guardia di Testa/Faccia, Longsword Mezzana Guards
The Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium has come to a close. The weekend featured tremendous classes in Italian Rapier, German Sword and Buckler, Italian Stick Fighting, German Wrestling and Messer, Iberian Rapier, Sidesword, and Montante, as well as Burgundian Pole Axe. With no amount of sadness we bid adieu to our friends from far and wide…
Mounted Combat at VISS
As wonderful as all our venues for the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium last weekend were, none of them were quite large -- or rustic -- enough to host a mounted combat workshop. Though we were sad not to be able to offer swordplay from horseback to the conference attendees, we did manage to bring a…
Video Lessons: Offhand Invitations, Sidesword Stretta & Alta Guards, Longsword Low Guards and Fading Exercise
It's the week of the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium at Academie Duello. We're all eagerly anticipating an awesome weekend of workshops, lectures, sparring, and socializing. This week we're on our regular schedule of classes at Duello and on Duello.TV. At level 1 (Green) we're looking at defending with the offhand, level 2 (Blue) and level…

Over, Across & Around: turning the sword
Swordplay from the Ground: the three turns of the sword The last of the swordplay skills you'll need to demonstrate for your Green Spur is an understanding of the three turns of the sword. These turns have the same names as the turns of the body, which makes them easy to remember. It may be…
Luck of the Irish Sword Press
A bit of everything today; mounted and foot-fought WMA/HEMA and reminders as to where our history comes from (and where sometimes it can unexpectedly be found). Knocked-Down, Down Under SOUTH COAST REGISTER (Shoalhaven, Australia) 08 February 13 Modern renaissance sport comes to show (Robert Crawford) Australia hosted Rod Walker and the team from Full Tilt…
Balance and Remaining Upright
When there are so many mixed martial arts (MMA) schools that focus on Barzilian Jiu-jistu (BJJ), what sets apart the jujitsu in Bartitsu? We focus on staying on our feet while sending the assailant to the ground. Today we'll talk about maintaining balance, vertical alignment, calmness, and avoiding surprise. Why Stay on Your Feet? Here…
Coverage in the Vancouver Courier today
There's an article today about Academie Duello and the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium in the Vancouver Courier Newspaper. Check it out here. Also check out the video that the Courier's Jason Lang produced about Duello and the event on the Courier's YouTube. Comment on this post on our Posterous Blog.
My Thoughts on Sparring and Martial Arts
One of the first things that turned me on about rapier fencing was sparring. When I first got into rapier I was practicing Arnis/Eskrima. The Arnis/Eskrima class I attended did not allow any type of contact sparring and though I enjoyed the flow of the art tremendously I never had a visceral environment in which…
Eight Horse Melee
I wish I had a photo to share from last Sunday’s Mounted Combat workshop. The stars aligned so that all participants in the workshop were strong riders, and we had enough horses for everyone, including instructors. That meant nearly three awesome hours of trading blows from horseback! Having eight very different horses and riders on…