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Video Lessons: Rapier Offhand Use, Sidesword Guards & Progression, Longsword Guards, Binds & Pressure

If you have been hungering for more longsword work, this week will definitely satisfy you.  We've caught up on our videos for our longsword month on Giocco Stretto with lesson 3 focusing on the pressure between the swords and lesson 4 on dynamically responding to the bind. Red Cords (level 3) in our mastery classes…

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VISS: PlayFighting Films and Giant Felling

These are the workshops I'll be leading at VISS, the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium. The conference runs 15-17 February. You can get a pass to participate in all workshops and events, or you can get a auditor rate to quietly watch. Information on tickets, schedules and everything else is at the Vancouver Swordplay Website. Bringing…

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Meeting with Swords

 Swordplay from the Ground: Crossing the Sword in Front and Behind For the Green Spur there are only two ways you need to worry about encountering your opponent's sword: from in front, and from behind. Crossing in Front This is most direct and natural way of preventing your opponent from striking you. As she delivers…

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All Disciplines Sword Press

Historical swordplay, historical martial arts, theatre swordplay, fitness and character building.  This weeks’ offering of press prove that WMA/HEMA interests originate within a wide of people, and can be used to achieve totally different personal and professional goals.  It can also be used to demonstrate that ‘common sense’ amongst some travellers and air travel authorities…

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Applied Combatives in Chicago & Beyond | Academie Duello

Applied Combatives in Chicago and Beyond!

This past weekend I taught a 2 day seminar in Chicago on Applied Combatives for the Chicago Swordplay Guild (CSG) at their home Forteza Fitness. I was pleased as always with an excellent group of students with a passion for the art, insightful questions, and a superbly welcoming nature. The seminar was an extended version…

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Cutting: Fluid Mechanics

Swordplay from the Ground: Cutting Mechanics & Timing In previous posts I discussed the eight lines and the three points of origin (shoulder, elbow and wrist) of cuts.  To make your cuts effective, however, you need proper body mechanics and timing of hand and foot. Timing of Hand and Foot A cut is most powerful…

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Training Sword Press

Nikolaj Malnač receiving an award from the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence. Now that we’ve all acquired the blades, books and besegew’s that we wanted for Christmas, it’s time to learn new WMA/HEMA techniques – or polish up those we already know.  Given the near-universal access to excellent reference material here-to-fore-seldom seen – its stands to…

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Duello.TV: Longsword collecting. Rapier control, voids from attachments, and the broad guard.

Hello everyone, better late than never I suppose.  We had some technical challenges this week with our longsword video lesson because I was out of control and couldn't stop teaching for 15 minutes, so it's a bit of a monster and delayed our posting this week. And sadly we won't have it in till next…

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