Getting the Point to your Opponent

Swordplay from the Ground: The Four Thrusts of the Sword The knight's sword was not just a cutting weapon.  A well-aimed thrust delivered with the impulsion of a moving horse was a deadly combat technique.  It was also an effective attack from the ground. There are four basic types of thrust, defined by the orientation…

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Pretty Sword Press

Pretty people and prettier poniards provide present-day press provender. It’s apparent that there have been from times historical, sword players that not only insisted on having functional swords – but they also demanded a blade that won’t clash with their fashionable hosiery!   My precious-s-s-s!   YORKSHIRE EVENING POST (UK) 13 January 13  Weird warfare…

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Video Lessons: Judging Measure, Rapier Voids, Unorthodox Postures, Single Grip Longsword Cutting

Welcome to a new year of training and sword fighting!  I hope that everyone has enjoyed their holiday and is ready to get back to their physical training regimes with a newly renewed passion. We are starting off this month we three rapier topics: receiving the opponent (for level 1), voids (for level 2), and…

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Shoulder to Wrist: three types of cut

Swordplay from the Ground: Wrist, Elbow & Shoulder Cuts Not only are there eight lines on which to cut, there are three places from which to cut, wrist, shoulder and elbow.  For the Green Spur you are required to demonstrate all three types with the sword in one hand, and wrist and elbow cuts with…

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Espada Sword Press

Slim Spaniards wielding slimmer swords make up this week’s slim pickings.   A resolution by ‘judicial duel’ would have been … quicker … and probably more entertaining … to say nothing of satisfying (for the winner). PÚBLICO (Madrid, Spain) 04 January 13  Condenado el marqués de Falces por vender la Tizona, la espada del Cid  …

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Is VISS for beginners

Short answer: absolutely.  A few of our newer students who feel a little anxious about registering for the 2013 Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium(VISS). There are several reasons for this feeling and I'll address some of them here.  "It's kind of expensive"  This applies to beginners and "veterans" alike. And, actually it's not. At a cost…

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New Year's Resolutions - Some Words of Advice

It's the time of New Year's Resolutions, have you already set yours? Personally I don't set New Year's Resolutions.  Not that I don't like the idea of resolving to do something.  What I don't like about New Year's Resolutions is that they only come once per year. So many New Year's Resolutions are forgotten or…

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