The Paddy Crean Conference in Banff is a week of some of the greatest fight instructors and stunt people teaching an incredible group of enthusiasts. So every two years we get the newest innovations in stage combat and stunt work in one venue. And the food is fantastic. I want to share some of what…
Video Lessons: Judging Measure, Rapier Voids, Unorthodox Postures, Single Grip Longsword Cutting
Welcome to a new year of training and sword fighting! I hope that everyone has enjoyed their holiday and is ready to get back to their physical training regimes with a newly renewed passion. We are starting off this month we three rapier topics: receiving the opponent (for level 1), voids (for level 2), and…
Shoulder to Wrist: three types of cut
Swordplay from the Ground: Wrist, Elbow & Shoulder Cuts Not only are there eight lines on which to cut, there are three places from which to cut, wrist, shoulder and elbow. For the Green Spur you are required to demonstrate all three types with the sword in one hand, and wrist and elbow cuts with…
Espada Sword Press
Slim Spaniards wielding slimmer swords make up this week’s slim pickings. A resolution by ‘judicial duel’ would have been … quicker … and probably more entertaining … to say nothing of satisfying (for the winner). PÚBLICO (Madrid, Spain) 04 January 13 Condenado el marqués de Falces por vender la Tizona, la espada del Cid …
Is VISS for beginners
Short answer: absolutely. A few of our newer students who feel a little anxious about registering for the 2013 Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium(VISS). There are several reasons for this feeling and I'll address some of them here. "It's kind of expensive" This applies to beginners and "veterans" alike. And, actually it's not. At a cost…
Friday's Rank Examination Results
This past Friday, Academie Duello hosted a small but vigorous rank examination for two of our members in the Mastery Program. About 25 fellow students came on the first Friday of the new year to help Gareth test for the rank of Blue Cord (our second rank of five) and Michael to test for the rank…
New Year's Resolutions - Some Words of Advice
It's the time of New Year's Resolutions, have you already set yours? Personally I don't set New Year's Resolutions. Not that I don't like the idea of resolving to do something. What I don't like about New Year's Resolutions is that they only come once per year. So many New Year's Resolutions are forgotten or…
Read More... from New Year's Resolutions - Some Words of Advice
Adventures in flooring: Day 4
Day 4 was devoted to putting everything back on the floor. It looks beautiful, take a look! And again, but with stuff on it! And our lovely north-facing side And our mirrors with shields. Thanks on Day 4 go to John Manestar (In spirit, he was ill) Devon Boorman Matheus Olmedo Walker Lunsford Greg Reimier…
Adventures in flooring: Day 3
Day 3 was applying additional coats of the finishing compound. We aimed for as many as we could. Here's what the floor looked like after the first application. There are plenty of dry spots: this was a thirsty floor! Applying the final application. Quite a different look from the last photo! Watching "paint" dry. After…
Adventures in flooring: Day 2
Day two of the flooring was almost entirely sanding. We discovered on Day 1 some uneven sections of the floor where the finish wasn't removed. We needed this stuff gone so it was back to the drum sanders. First, here's the floor at the start of Day 2: To remove the finish without making things…
Adventures in flooring: Day 1
Over the holidays an intrepid group of volunteers took on the task of re-finishing our well-loved training floor. The floor was installed in late 2009 when we moved in (by another intrepid group of volunteers) so has lasted a good 3 years of almost daily use. With some sections being a little gouged and other…
Happy 2013!
Good Morning and Happy New Year! (sorry, was that too loud?) Since it is far too soon after last night's indulgences to be practising cutting in a safe and responsible manner, I'll eschew wrist, shoulder and elbow cuts for another week. Instead, sit back in a comfy chair with the hangover remedy of your…
Getting Out of the Salle Sword Press
We so-o-o envy our European peers! If their salles are closed for the holidays, they still have a multiple of choices as to where to go to maintain and expand their interests in things HEMA/WMA. You kids go (sword)play in the backyard! DAILY RECORD (Ellensburg, Washington) 28 December 12 Medieval swordplay group to offer…