Happy 2013!

Good Morning and Happy New Year! (sorry, was that too loud?)   Since it is far too soon after last night's indulgences to be practising cutting in a safe and responsible manner, I'll eschew wrist, shoulder and elbow cuts for another week.  Instead, sit back in a comfy chair with the hangover remedy of your…

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Getting Out of the Salle Sword Press

We so-o-o envy our European peers!  If their salles are closed for the holidays, they still have a multiple of choices as to where to go to maintain and expand their interests in things HEMA/WMA.  You kids go (sword)play in the backyard!   DAILY RECORD (Ellensburg, Washington) 28 December 12  Medieval swordplay group to offer…

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Article in the Vancouver's Westender Newspaper

If you pickup this week's Westender Newspaper you'll see a great article by Gen Handley about Academie Duello.  Gen checked out a class a few weeks ago and it looks like he had a great time. It's a good article and tells a little about the origins of Duello. You can also check it out…

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Boxing Day!

Every day is boxing day for me. It’s just coincidence that in Canada we also celebrate the day after Christmas by the same name. Is it Boxercize? If you’re not taking some punches, hardening your abs for impact, and feeling your fist contacting an opponent (or a heavy bag to simulate one), then you’re doing…

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Marginally Yuletide Sword Press

In chivalric theory, the 12 days surrounding Christmas are times of peace and good-will to all …. the 1460 Battle of Wakefield notwithstanding.  But who among us would begrudge another the chance to engage in a friendly passage-at-arms with cold steel with friends under the stars and in the snow* this Christmas eve?  And besides,…

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Fight Yourself

Victim control. It is an essential element of stage combat, but often misunderstood, and more often performed badly. It means that when there is physical contact between two actors, the apparent victim is in charge. This principle applies to pushes, pulls, grabs, strangulation, hair pulls, and most falls and throws. Tyler Durdan Take a lesson…

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Cutting down (and up, and across)

Swordplay from the Ground: The Eight Cuts In the last three posts I've covered posture, movement and turns of the body, with or without a sword in hand.  Now we'll turn our attention to the sword and look at cutting and thrusting in the next few posts, beginning with the eight cutting lines. Terminology Our…

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Awesome Workshops at the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium

VISS 2013 is approaching, and we’re excited to announce a first look at our workshop lineup! We are proud to offer two styles of workshops at VISS. The first style offers a more in-depth look into various topics, with work that will build across three days of classes. Topics for this style of workshop include:…

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Video Lessons: Defenses Against the Cut; Longsword Thrusts; Cutting Hands

Because of the holiday our last week of curriculum for the year has come a week early. This week we conclude our work on rapier cuts, sidesword cutting, and the core defences of the longsword. In Longsword Focus we look at cutting to the opponent's hands and next week we'll look more thoroughly at how…

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