The Beautiful Art of Solitary Practice

Practicing martial arts on my own can be one of the great pleasures of my week. It is a time that is just purely for me. Within the time spent in solitary practice, I don't have to worry about providing for a partner or guiding a student, I can simply focus on my own body,…

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Scholar Benjamin Davis and Free Aaron Lomontagne partners

The Unlimited Catalog of Partners

There are many types of partners you could end up sparring with. For example, if you had a sparring partner who always, consistently, threw cuts right as you stepped into their measure and stopped when you stepped out, then you could know that you could always go to them to practice your parries. Or, if…

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Pain and Glee: Enjoying Your Training

This post originally appeared on Duello.TV, Academie Duello's online learning and training blog portal. At our recent Instructor Intensive, the topic of "training so hard that you lose the joy of it" came up. The people who come out to intensives are hard workers. It takes a lot of drive to come out to do…

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The Three Defensive Principles, A Cross Martial Approach

While I was doing some research for another article I came across this video, on the Funker Tactical youtube channel, that includes some advice from a Vegas police officer about close quarters covering and entry. WHY BLOCKING IS USELESS! A Las Vegas Cop Issues a Challenge and Teaches Some LessonsWatch this video on YouTube There…

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Practice Pinpointing Your Coaching Corrections

Years ago, I had the pleasure of riding in a boat with Canada's Olympic rowing coach while he coached members of our Olympic team and some more casual rowers like me. One of the most compelling things about this experience was how little he gave to each of his students yet how impactful some of…

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How to Get People to Drill

In an online conversation with members of our instructor training program this past weekend, an interesting question came up, one that I encounter on a regular basis: How do I make the other people in my group drill and do exercises? The short answer is that you don't "make" them do anything. Their training is their…

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Event Report: Lord Baltimore's Challenge

I had the pleasure this past weekend of being a judge, ring director, and instructor at Lord Baltimore's Challenge in Washington, DC, an event put on by David Biggs and a large crew of people from diverse groups such as Maryland KDF, Virginia Academy of Fencing, and the DC-area SCA chapters. David's goals with the…

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The Mounted Combat Program Moves to Langley

Exciting changes are a-hoof in the Mounted Combat Program.  As of August 1st, 2018, the horses and the program will be moving to 21955 16 Ave in Langley.  This beautiful property (formerly Ridge Meadows Farm) near Campbell Valley Park has an indoor arena, heated lounge, two outdoor arenas, and ten acres of pasture for our…

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Event Report: Vancouver Martial Challenge 2018

On the weekend of June 1st, 2018, Academie Duello hosted our third annual Vancouver Martial Challenge. This is a weekend focused on the joy of sparring in a relaxed and collaborative environment. Each day all of the participants endeavour to spar with one another (in a diversity of disciplines) and at the end of each day…

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