Missed & Future Opportunities Sword Press

Last week was Our 50thposting of Sword Press – which under other circumstances might qualify this One for some sort of modest ‘atta-boy’ award involving beer and an affectionate but manly pat-on-the-head.  However as I’ve learned to my sorrow, my iron-fisted, steel-hearted, way-too-fast-to-hit, workaholic Master insists that it’s all part of ‘business normal’ in getting…

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Guest Workshop with Luis Preto Next Weekend!

"par·ry   [par-ee] verb, par·ried, par·ry·ing, noun, plural par·ries. verb (used with object) 1. to ward off (a thrust, stroke, weapon, etc.), as in fencing; avert. 2. to turn aside; evade or dodge: to parry an embarrassing question. verb (used without object) 3. to parry a thrust, blow, etc." -dictionary.com Parrying Workshop with Luis Preto Saturday, July 21, 2012…

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Bartitsu Fight Night

Tonight's sparring is Bartitsu focused. We'll be boxing, wrestling and cane-fighting in the museum area while the main floor will still be open for general sparring with any weapon you prefer. You don't need any experience, but it will also not be a lesson. Challenge whomever you want, and shake on the rules you agree…

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Strike with Vivacity

Studying self-defense and combat too often starts with blocks, parries or other methods of intercepting attacks. All of these techniques rely on seeing the opponent attack and choosing the appropriate movement to deal with it. The reactionary stance will keep you moving backward, looking for the next threat, and a victim of the attacker's speed,…

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July Camps and Parrying With Luis Preto!

Swordfit Bootcamp! Begins Monday, July 9th, 2012 7:00am-8:00am and runs Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays for the month of July. In one packed hour, get all the benefits of interval training, functional fitness and swordplay and start your day off right! For more info and registration, go here!   Knight Camp! An unforgettable week of fun…

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@VancouverSun covers Academie Duello's Fitness Programs

Vancouver Sun columnist Tom Hill wrote an article about Academie Duello's fitness programs that appeared on their website yesterday (Thursday). It gives a good summary of some of the health benefits you can reap through swordplay and captures the excitement of the art. Check it out on their website here!  If you're interested in getting…

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Stage Combat Stances

Every martial art will first teach the student how to stand, and the ideal positions to fight from. For actors in a stage fight, they must start with an appropriate stance for their weapon or historical period, combine that with their character's attitude, and sometimes add nuances of injuries or mannerisms. Basic Stance Standing upright…

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Multi-Format Tournament 2012 Report

On June 23rd and 24th, a number of Academie Duello students and a few out-of-town friends joined together in some friendly competition at the annual Multi-Format Tournament. This year we had four different categories to compete in, over two days: Saturday we held longsword and sidesword tournaments, and on Sunday we ran beginner and open…

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