First off, thank you to all you wonderful volunteers who came out yesterday, post-Canada Day hangovers notwithstanding, to pound posts, hammer rails, attack weeds and re-hang gates at Red Colt! We got a lot done in a short time and we couldn't have done it without you! Transitions Up until now in our Riding level…
This week's swordplay videos on Duello.TV
Welcome everyone to a new week in swordplay at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV! We just celebrated Canada day this past weekend by participating in the Vancouver Canada Day Parade. We had more than 60 fighters with longswords, sideswords, rapiers, and bows fighting their way through the streets of downtown. There's no better way to…
July Is Upon Us!
SwordFit Bootcamp at Academie Duello! Step into the middle ages for an adventurous and exciting training program unlike anything you have done before. Our program is designed to help you burn fat, build muscle and learn swordplay along the way! At Academie Duello, we believe that the journey to physical fitness should be…
Next in our series of guest bloggers today: Matheus Olmedo. Matheus has been with the Academie for about a year now and has quickly risen through the ranks to become a senior Blue cord as well as an instructor in the Warrior Fundamentals program. During 2011 Matheus was at the studio usually more than I…
No Stage Combat Today
Just a reminder that the FDC Annual General Meeting is preempting today's stage combat class. Capilano college is hosting the AGM as part of the Nationals at 6:30 pm today. Comment on this post on our Posterous Blog.
Canada Day weekend hours
Academie Duello will be closed on Monday 2 July during the day for (post) Canada Day. The store and studio will be closed until 5 pm. Day time classes are cancelled. All classes from 5 pm on are happening. Enjoy your weekend and we hope to see you out for the Canada Day parade! Comment…
Bartitsu Videos Worldwide
A picture is worth a thousand words (that's why we all like illustrations in our fight manuals), and a video is 30 images per second... so that's a lot better. Here's a selection of Bartitsu videos from around the world: Russia If you pause at 1m30, that poster was design by me, made to look…
Instructional Videos for this week at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV
Welcome to another week of curriculum at Academie Duello. We have had a lot of interesting things going on including a tournament this past weekend that featured competitions with the longsword, sidesword, and rapier for beginners and advanced practitioners. We haven't put out our own official recap yet (we're editing lots of video) but you…
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Academie Duello wants YOU to march in the Canada Day Parade with us
Calling all western martial artists and friends of Duello! If you're a student, member, former student, or sword fighting friend of Academie Duello we want you to join us in the Canada Day Parade on July 1st!We'll supply anything you need! Help us reach our goal of 100 paraders this year! Sword fighters, archers, bartitsu…
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Tournament time (again)!
We take a brief break this week from our view of the riding curriculum to make note of important upcoming dates. Mark Your Calendars! After last weekend's successful multi-format tournament and hot on the heels of the upcoming Cascadia North Accolade Tournament we have our annual Mounted Combat Tournament Sunday 26 August, 10am - 4pmRed…
Guest Instructor Luis Preto: so good we're posting about it again!
... but this time we'll tell you when it is! Saturday 21 July, 3 pm - 7 pm Academie Duello is proud to host a longsword workshop not-to-be-missed with guest instructor Luis Preto from Preto Martial Arts! The seminar will be focused on the art of distance management and cover as it appears…
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Scottish Dominated Sword Press
The Clans are restive of late … time to back up (slowly) into the Tower and break out the long bows … this could be messy!While Scottish-related WMA/HEMA are not widely studied here in North America, methinks nobody can argue with the place blades have in Scottish culture and history. Swords and the Law…
[Gallery] Longsword Tournament
A collection of shots from the longsword tournaments that took place this past Saturday as part of our Multi-Format tournament day. Thanks to photographer Kevin Ricks for taking these and passing them along to us.