Tournament time (again)!

We take a brief break this week from our view of the riding curriculum to make note of important upcoming dates. Mark Your Calendars! After last weekend's successful multi-format tournament and hot on the heels of the upcoming Cascadia North Accolade Tournament we have our annual Mounted Combat Tournament Sunday 26 August, 10am - 4pmRed…

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Guest Instructor Luis Preto: so good we're posting about it again!

... but this time we'll tell you when it is!  Saturday 21 July, 3 pm - 7 pm   Academie Duello is proud to host a longsword workshop not-to-be-missed with guest instructor Luis Preto from Preto Martial Arts!   The seminar will be focused on the art of distance management and cover as it appears…

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Scottish Dominated Sword Press

The Clans are restive of late … time to back up (slowly) into the Tower and break out the long bows … this could be messy!While Scottish-related WMA/HEMA are not widely studied here in North America, methinks nobody can argue with the place blades have in Scottish culture and history.   Swords and the Law…

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Warm it up, Chris!

Today I wanted to talk about warming up.  There is a lot of information available on the importance of warming upand the benefits we derive from it.  Almost every class at the Academie starts with an instructor-led warm-up, featuring joint-movement, medicine ball-tossing  and exercises.  Something that has always been stressed at the Academie, though not…

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Fresh Beginner's Courses!

"The beginning is the most important part of the work." - Plato Intro to the Knightly Arts Saturday, June 30, 2012 3:00pm-7:00pm Over the course of four hours you will learn the fundamentals of Armizare; a martial system first taught by Italian Knight Fiore dei Liberi in the 14th century. You will build confidence in unarmed combat, longsword,…

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Multi-Format Tournament Day Announcement: After-Party at Yagger's on Saturday June 23rd!

Greetings, Duelists! I bet everyone is getting pretty excited for the Multi-Format Tournament coming up this Saturday, June 23rd - Sunday June 24th. I know I'm going to be there--I love watching a good longsword tournament, and I've seen relatively little sidesword sparring at full-speed, so this weekend's starting to look like quite a treat.…

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What are the legalities of bringing a sword to your martial arts class?

A common question at a sword fighting school is whether it is legal to carry a sword through the streets of Vancouver. This article from the Iaido Journal goes into some length about the legalities for martial arts students carrying swords to and from class. It's a worthwhile read to better understand your rights. The…

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Sword fighting videos for this week at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV

Welcome everyone to another excellent week at Academie Duello and Duello.TV. This week we have some exciting news to report -- we have over 250 videos on Duello.TV about over 40 hours of content now available. We're also nearly all the way through creating lessons for our full Mastery Program calendar, which means we'll be…

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Announcing a special workshop with Luis Preto

Academie Duello is proud to host a longsword workshop not-to-be-missed with guest instructor Luis Preto from Preto Martial Arts!   The seminar will be focused on the art of distance management and cover as it appears in a variety of European martial arts with the focus on the longsword. Preto's system is remarkably efficient and…

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Exercises for an Independent Seat

We begin all our riding sessions with warm-ups for both horse and rider.  For the horse, this involves progressing walk and trot, circles, changes of direction and suppling exercises to warm up the muscles and joints prior to exercise.  For the rider, the warm up serves an additional function: to develop an independent seat. The…

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International and Sword-Tech Press

‘Hi-Tech’ initiatives continue offer us interesting tools for supporting our intent to fully and authentically recreate the fighting styles and ‘feel’ of our chosen medieval or renaissance period.  Modern metallurgy guided by experienced metal-smithing has resulted in a dependable supply of consistent-quality, practice-ready, metal blades at an affordable price.  Chemical engineering yields ‘artificial blades’ and…

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