The Riding Curriculum

Over the past dozen weeks or so I've written posts detailing the requirements for our Horsemanship Level 1.  If you read through those posts, look at the relevant chapters of the Manual of Horsemanship, and attend at least three Horsemanship classes in which you have the opportunity to practice handling, grooming and tacking up, you…

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Mongoliad Canes & some Found Sword Press

In Our modest social circles, WMA enthusiasts are seen to be a somewhat ... umm, eclectic group of characters at the best of times.  So, what happens when you mix WMA with another socially-“interesting” group – say science-fiction authors? Speaking of mixing, We also offer an item on a ‘mix’ of combatant’s that has yet…

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This month at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV

Rank examinations have just finished up today for the Mastery Program with two new Blue Cords entering the ranks. They have a whole new set of topics to look forward to as we roll over into the next month of curriculum at Academie Duello. Green Cord - Rapier and Offhand This month in Green Cord…

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June Workshops

"Sisu is a Finnish term loosely translated into English as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity. However, the word is widely considered to lack a proper translation into any other language. Sisu has been described as being integral to understanding Finnish. The literal meaning is equivalent in English…

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Concussions R Bad

Discussion of concussions often centres around contact sports. Here in Canada, news is made when hockey players must miss games, and the same is true of American football, and the most relevant for this Bartitsu blog: boxing. All you really need to know is hitting your head is bad. What is a concussion? “Concussion” means…

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My Swordfit Bootcamp Experience - Day 10

Hallo, Finally, a Monday bootcamp to blog about! This morning, I have three videos for you. First: warm-up, including lunges, bum kicks, skipping and crab crawls. Second: the dice game resurrected from Day 2. This time, we rolled the die for ourselves and so ended up doing our own independed excercise. Then, we'd grab our…

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