[Video] Armoured Fun and Games at the South Hill Festival

This past Saturday Academie Duello was out at the South Hill Community Festival in Vancouver at Main and 49th. It was a beautiful day and was the first opportunity for our Youth Demo team to show off their stuff. Everyone did a fantastic job with showing of their quaterstaff skills and our adult demo team…

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[Photo Gallery] Handmade bows from Academie Duello's bowmaking workshop

Today marked the last day of our bowmaking workshop taught by Jamie MacDonald of Ravenbeak Natureworks. The workshop was a tremendous success and I had the opportunity to handle eight beautiful and effective pieces of art. The final day of the workshop focused on final sanding, oiling, affixing arrow rests, striking plates, and wrapping the…

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Stretching Towards Splits

How do you perform high kicks to prove you’re a “real martial artist”? Even educated and experienced stunt coordinators look for leg flexibility when choosing who will perform well in fight scenes. Why? Mostly because the public demands it. So, you have to increase your flexibility to give the people what they want. The Best…

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A surprise guest instructor at Academie Duello - Marco Quarta

This morning we had the distinct pleasure of hosting Marco Quarta an instructor from Nova Scrimia for an impromptu instructor workshop. Marco showed up spontaneously in our doorway last week while in town meeting with the Italian Consulate and we roped him into showing us some of how his organization approaches the Italian martial arts.…

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Horse Sense

The final item on Horsemanship 1 checklist is: 11. Demonstrate safety and common sense when working around horses This is something our examiners make note of during the whole of the horsemanship assessment. We want to see that you are calm, confident, and sensible while handling your horse. Most candidates are very good at staying…

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Maintaining Law and Order - Sword Press

Rats – We’re apparently recycling titles as well as press items now!While Canada has a day of rest and recreation for the ‘(Queen) Victoria Day” federal holiday, WMA enthusiasts might be more au fey with respecting the 102nd anniversary of the passing of Captain Alfred Hutton – late of the King Dragoon Guards and possibly…

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Workshops In May

"A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally." - Oscar Wilde Intro to Bartitsu Saturday, May 26, 2012 1pm-5pm Learn the mixed martial art of the Victorian English Gentleman. In this four-hour workshop, you'll acquire the essential Bartitsu skills of Boxing, Jujitsu, Savate and Cane fighting: - the basic punches of scientific boxing…

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