Day Seven Today is poleaxe day! My excitement abates slightly when I discover that we don’t actually get to use real ones. Adrian insists that our waivers do not cover that level of damage. The trainers we use are just as heavy with nice hardwood poles and tough rubber end bits to pierce and crush…
Tag: sidesword
Warrior Fundamentals - Week 3
Day Five I have a confession to make. I was neither able to attend Class 5 nor was I able to take advantage of the evening classes to make up for it. What’s a sword-fighting student to do? Thankfully, my trusty blade-wielding comrades filled me in on the general content for the class, and, wonderfully,…
A Taste of the Renaissance - Week 4
I can’t believe it's the last week of our Taste of the Renaissance series. The four weeks have gone by like the lightning slash of a sidesword. I have to determine which class to sign up for next. The noon time slots work best, but the biggest question is what to try next…? Today in…

Don't Get Hung Up on Perfect Practice
There is an interesting phrase pair I have been hearing from a lot of instructors recently. I hear: “Practice makes perfect." Then an admonishment: “No. Practice makes permanent. So make sure you don’t practice poorly!" The first is a message of hope and resilience. If you practice and stay the course, you can find mastery.…
A Taste of the Renaissance - Week 2
I watched no martial arts movies over the weekend, which would be unusual except for the fact that it is hockey season. Now there’s some interesting martial arts for you -- I wonder if those hockey sticks are as well balanced as my rapier! I find myself really looking forward to Class 3. The only…
Beginning Swordplay, Part Three
Week number three had me intrigued. Longsword was finally starting to make sense to me but now we were moving on to a new weapon? This could go either way. Longsword had been difficult at first, but the more time I spent on it, the more sense it made to me. Learning something new at…
July Beginner's Courses at Academie Duello
Our next round of Beginner’s Courses start in a couple weeks! Challenge yourself and have fun with our unique, engaging beginner programs. Want to know what you're getting into first? Sign up for a FREE TRIAL LESSON for any of our Beginner’s Courses! Our two swordplay Beginner’s Courses, Taste of the Renaissance and Warrior Fundamentals, are 8-classes long and can be taken…
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Duello.TV: Rapier Defense, Sidesword Cutting, Longsword Defenses vs Low and Mid, Boar's Tooth
Greetings everyone, This week I am in Chicago preparing for the Western Martial Arts Workshop in Racine, Wisconsin. This is a superb Western Martial Arts event put on by the Chicago Swordplay Guild and is one of the oldest running events of its kind in the world. This week in our classes…

Class Videos Sept 2: Rapier Mechanics & Measure, Sidesword & Longsword Cutting Mechanics, Porta di Ferro in Longsword
Greetings everyone to the first fine week of September. This past weekend many Academie Duello members as well as friends from abroad including Paul Wagner of the Stoccata School of Defence in Australia and Samantha Swords from New Zealand joined in the annual Cascadia North Accolade Tournament. This year the event took place on the…
Beginner Courses: September Cycle
Don't miss our next round of Beginner's Courses, starting the first week of September! Whether you join our Taste of the Renaissance or our Warrior Fundamentals program, prepare to get a unique workout that engages both your mind and body. Take it from student Tris H, who found the classes so valuable that she immediately…
Beginner's Courses: August Cycle
Whether you're looking for a fun way to get and stay in shape, or a new mentally and physically stimulating hobby, our Beginner's Courses have something for everyone. Take it from one of our Taste of the Renaissance graduates and now ongoing student: First off, if you are thinking about stopping in here, stop thinking…
Glossary of Academie Duello's Terms of Swordplay
Ours is a martial art rich with words. Words that describe foot positions, body orientations, sword positions, sword relationships and angles, directions of movement, tactical principles, strategic ideals, and more. We also use a vocabulary that is full of unfamiliar words from the Italian language (some of them even unfamiliar to modern Italian speakers) and…
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Training Videos June 3: Rapier Offhand Positions, Sidesword Mechanics, Collecting and Giocco Stretto with Longsword
Welcome to Duello.TV for the week of June 3rd. The sun in shining in Vancouver and its a great time to train outside. I know that many Academie Duello students are getting into some extra time at the sword as they participate in the 30 for 30 Swordplay Challenge. If you haven't joined, it's not…
Training Videos: Rapier recovering, Sidesword Covers, Longsword Precision
Happy Monday everyone. In Canada we're celebrating Victoria Day today -- seems like a good time to do some swordplay! This week at Duello and on Duello.TV we have a very interesting mix of classes. Green cords are working on getting out of situations where they have lost control of the sword. Blue cords are…
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A Cool New Addition to the Duello Library
This Monday, Academie Duello was the proud recipient of one of 100 new reproductions of the I.33 Fechtbuch produced by Extraordinary Editions in cooperation with the Royal Armouries of the United Kingdom. I.33 is a very important manuscript as it is the earliest surviving European sword fighting manual, most likely dating to sometime in the…
Training Videos Apr 22: Defenses Against the Cut, Sidesword Provocations IV, Longstaff Grapples
Greetings Duello.TV subscribers. We're wrapping up this month on Duello.TV and in classes at Academie Duello and is usually the case it is in this last week that we look at tying together all of the new skills that we've learned as we work to integrate drill into application. First level students are countering cuts,…
Video Lessons: Rapier Cutting Mechanics, Sidesword Provocations, Quarterstaff Postures, Longsword Tempo II
We have a quadruple threat this month: Rapier, Sidesword, Longsword, and Quarterstaff. Yes some of our most senior students at Academie Duello in Vancouver are having their minds overloaded as they move through a day of classes -- now it's your turn at home to enjoy the same overwhelming sensation. Longsword Focus This week…
Video Lessons: Defenses Against the Cut; Longsword Thrusts; Cutting Hands
Because of the holiday our last week of curriculum for the year has come a week early. This week we conclude our work on rapier cuts, sidesword cutting, and the core defences of the longsword. In Longsword Focus we look at cutting to the opponent's hands and next week we'll look more thoroughly at how…
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