On June 23rd and 24th, a number of Academie Duello students and a few out-of-town friends joined together in some friendly competition at the annual Multi-Format Tournament. This year we had four different categories to compete in, over two days: Saturday we held longsword and sidesword tournaments, and on Sunday we ran beginner and open…
Tag: video
This week's swordplay videos on Duello.TV
Welcome everyone to a new week in swordplay at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV! We just celebrated Canada day this past weekend by participating in the Vancouver Canada Day Parade. We had more than 60 fighters with longswords, sideswords, rapiers, and bows fighting their way through the streets of downtown. There's no better way to…
Instructional Videos for this week at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV
Welcome to another week of curriculum at Academie Duello. We have had a lot of interesting things going on including a tournament this past weekend that featured competitions with the longsword, sidesword, and rapier for beginners and advanced practitioners. We haven't put out our own official recap yet (we're editing lots of video) but you…
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Sword fighting videos for this week at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV
Welcome everyone to another excellent week at Academie Duello and Duello.TV. This week we have some exciting news to report -- we have over 250 videos on Duello.TV about over 40 hours of content now available. We're also nearly all the way through creating lessons for our full Mastery Program calendar, which means we'll be…
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Sword Fighting Lessons on Duello.TV This Week
As of this week on Duello.TV we have over 250 videos posted! We have content on longsword, sidesword, rapier and dagger, cloak, buckler, and more. It's been exciting getting to this stage and we're looking froward to bringing even more cool stuff soon. This month all three levels of the Mastery Program are focusing on…
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Mount up!
The second item on the Riding 1 checklist is: 2. Mount safely and correctly from block or ground, picking up reins correctly Mounting your horse may seem like the simplest of skills, but it's one that takes a lot of practice to make smooth, effortless and kind to your horse. As you can see from…
The Riding Curriculum
Over the past dozen weeks or so I've written posts detailing the requirements for our Horsemanship Level 1. If you read through those posts, look at the relevant chapters of the Manual of Horsemanship, and attend at least three Horsemanship classes in which you have the opportunity to practice handling, grooming and tacking up, you…
My Swordfit Bootcamp Experience - Day 10
Hallo, Finally, a Monday bootcamp to blog about! This morning, I have three videos for you. First: warm-up, including lunges, bum kicks, skipping and crab crawls. Second: the dice game resurrected from Day 2. This time, we rolled the die for ourselves and so ended up doing our own independed excercise. Then, we'd grab our…
[Video] Armoured Fun and Games at the South Hill Festival
This past Saturday Academie Duello was out at the South Hill Community Festival in Vancouver at Main and 49th. It was a beautiful day and was the first opportunity for our Youth Demo team to show off their stuff. Everyone did a fantastic job with showing of their quaterstaff skills and our adult demo team…
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Horse Sense
The final item on Horsemanship 1 checklist is: 11. Demonstrate safety and common sense when working around horses This is something our examiners make note of during the whole of the horsemanship assessment. We want to see that you are calm, confident, and sensible while handling your horse. Most candidates are very good at staying…
My Swordfit Bootcamp Experience - Day 5
Hello all, After an eventful weekend with Mom (archery at Academie Duello, t-rexes at Science World, and a bumpy boat ride on Howe Sound) I'm back for more bootcamp news! Perhaps it was my weekend break, my pre- 11pm bedtime, or my newly confirmed desire for self-awareness and bodily presence that gave me…

What's on the Menu?
There's a lot of news and fun stuff this week, so lets get the lesson over with right away, shall we? Basic Feeding First of all, go and re-read this post from January, which covers basic feeding. There is an entire science to equine nutrition, but for Horsemanship level 1 test we ask specifically about:…
Bourne to Fight
The three Bourne movies are often cited as favourites of modern film fights. Let's take a closer look. The Bourne Identity Fight Summary: This is the one that made Bourne: Pen Versus Knife. Fight Length: 97 seconds Notes: There is time and space given to character choices, but flurries of attacks are fast and close.…
Taking it off
Congratulations & Thanks! Before getting to our weekly topic I’d like to thank everyone who lent a hand at the work party on Sunday. We got an great start on Jack-proofing our fences, replaced several posts, built and installed two gates, and hauled those logs out to the back field to start building new cross…

Another Tacky Post
Now that we know the names of all those pieces of leather and metal that make up a horse's tack, we need to know how to put them on correctly. 7. Tack up (may be assisted) 'May be assisted' means that for Horsemanship level 1 you should know the correct method of tacking up. If…
Unexpected Stage Combat
Here's a recent find that you may have seen on Google+: Installations The idea of an installation is that theatre does not need a building called a "theatre" in order to be a legitimate live performance. When you enter a theatre, you know this: You are a spectator and will not be expected to participate…
On the Right Tack
As with points of the horse, the nomenclature of the saddle and bridle varies from the obscure to the obvious. Item #6 on the Horsemanship 1 test is: Identify simple parts of saddle & bridle While it may seem a nuisance to memorize these terms, it is fairly important to know your billet strap from…
Bellicose Chaps
Are you up to scratch? Ready to "toe the line"? Or are you down for the count? Take a swig of aqua vitae and put up your dukes... Pugilism Some martial artists really love the terminology and the exotic names in foreign languages. Fisticuffs, on the other hand, uses English words for the techniques, but…