February Fever!

We interrupt our schedule of educational posts once more to let you know there are only three days left to take advantage of the Cavaliere Program's Shedding Season Special!


Sign up for any number of the following classes, workshops or packages before March 1st and receive a 10% discount:

Intro to Mounted Combat
Mounted Combat Workshop
Mounted Combat - Archery
Cavaliere Classes
Cavaliere Class - 4 pack
Integrated Package (2 Cavaliere Class + 1 Mounted Combat workshop in one month)
Green Spur Package (6 months of Integrated Package)

For an even better discount, sign up for a minimum of two months of Integrated Package and get 15% off.

These discounts can be applied to any classes for 2013, providing you sign up no later than Thursday February 28th.  Not all the dates towards the end of the year have been finalized, but if you find yourself having to miss a pre-paid class due to scheduling we are always happy to apply credit to make-up classes providing we have 48 hours notice. 

In general Mounted Combat workshops happen on the first Sunday of the month, and Cavaliere Classes on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays.  Classes do not run in December.


Upcoming Classes

Intro to Mounted Combat
Sundays 10am:  3 Mar, 7 Apr, 2 Jun, 4 Aug, 8 Sep, 6 Oct

Mounted Combat
Sundays 1pm:  3 Mar, 7 Apr, 2 Jun, 7 Jul, 4 Aug, 8 Sep, 6 Oct, 3 Nov

Cavaliere Classes
Sundays 1pm:  10 & 24 Mar, 14 & 28 Apr
Saturdays 4pm:  11 & 18 May, 8 & 22 Jun, 13 & 27 Jul, 10 & 24 Aug, 14 & 21 Sep
classes will return to Sundays in October - dates not yet set.

For class descriptions see the Cavaliere calendar: https://www.academieduello.com/test/school/workshops/cavaliere-calendar 

In other news, you can get a preview of Mounted Archery at the Borsos Torz Horse Archery club's demo and clinic in Langley on March 17th: http://www.itsmysite.com/cgi-bin/itsmy/go.exe?page=3&domain=1&webdir=...

There are loads of other demos including vaulting and natural horsemanship, so take the day and check it out!

Jennifer Landels, Maestra di Scuderia
Academie Duello Cavaliere Program


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Devon Boorman is the Co-Founder and Director of Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay, which has been active in Vancouver, Canada since 2004. Devon’s expertise centres on the Italian swordplay tradition including the arts of the Renaissance Italian rapier, sidesword, and longsword, as well as knife and unarmed techniques.
Read more from Devon Boorman.